I figured we could just order food off one of those food delivery apps because I didn't want to go get anything. I was way too lazy to do that after today. The car ride was silent but the few glances I stole from Lauren, she was still clutching onto her paper and pens to her chest. I smiled to myself, glad that she was okay. I was even happier that she was here with me now and that out of all people she wanted to be with me. I knew what I had done had hurt her terribly but all I could do at this point was try to fix that as best as I could. Lauren wouldn't give me her full trust back just yet but she was the most comfortable with me right now and I couldn't take advantage of that anymore. She was struggling at home and if she found solace in me then so be it. I would try my damned best to take care of her even if she gets frustrated at times. I couldn't get my feelings hurt because what she was going through was much worse than I could have ever imagined for myself. She was so strong to handle it too.

I got lost in my thoughts until we had arrived at my house. Lauren visibly perked up at the sight which caused my heart to swell in adoration. I honestly fucked up thinking she was better off away from me. The raven haired beauty clearly loved it here and I was such an asshole for taking that away from her. "You ready to go in?" I asked which was a lost cause. I didn't even need to ask as the smaller girl was already taking her seatbelt off of herself and opening her door. The excitement on her face was clear enough and I just couldn't handle how fucking adorable she was in this moment. Lauren was bounding her way up to my front door where she waited patiently for me to unlock it. I wouldn't exactly call it patiently waiting because she was bouncing up and down in her spot but that was besides the point. I unlocked the door to let us in while there was a wide smile sporting my face.

Lauren immediately looked around the living room almost as if she had never seen it before in her life. After seemingly surveying the room the shorter girl hurried over to the coffee table to set her drawing utensils down. Lauren sat herself in between the table and the couch where she pointed at the TV. "Can you- Can you turn on the- turn on the TV?" The emerald eyed girl asked. She looked over at me in what seemed like the first time pretty much all day. She had been so busy trying to avoid talking or looking at me I just missed when those forest green eyes would be locked onto me. I nodded my head and after setting all of my things down and taking off my shoes, I went over to obey Lauren's request as I sat down on the couch next to her. She went right back to drawing and wasn't even paying attention to the TV that she made me put on. Oh well, it was fine but only because she was just too fucking adorable to say no to.

I leaned back into the couch and took out my phone so that I could order us some food. When I unlocked my phone I came face to face with several messages from Normani and Camila about Lauren staying in my office today. They wanted to know what was going on, why she was in my office, why I hadn't told them, and what I was going to do to fix the situation I had found myself in. I didn't bother to reply to them because I knew I would get sucked in into a conversation when my main priority was sitting next to me. Instead I moved to find a food delivery app for the two of us to find something to eat. I leaned over and showed Lauren different food options but this girl was so picky it wasn't even funny. It literally took us an hour to decide what we wanted but that was okay with me. Lauren grew super excited after we ordered what she wanted, so much to the point where she was bouncing in her seated position. She even went so far as to clap her hands.

I laughed to myself and stood up so that I could change out of my work clothes into something more comfortable. I had completely undressed myself to put some sweats on. I was scavenging for a clean shirt when I heard footsteps entering my room. I looked over, still shirtless, to see that Lauren was hiding by the doorframe with her head peeking into the room. I wasn't so worried that I was shirtless while Lauren was staring at me but I was interested to see what she needed. "Did you need help with something?" I asked as I continued looking for a clean shirt. I had to do laundry soon so that this wouldn't be such a fucking hassle. I looked back up to Lauren to see that she was still staring at me pretty intently, but she seemed to snap out of her daze soon enough. The shorter girl shook her head frantically yet seemed to hide further away from me. I rose an eyebrow in confusion but eventually Lauren stepped into the room. She walked until she was stood right in front of me, fumbling with her fingers in front of her.

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