That was the majority of how the two of us spent lunch together; Lauren leaning back against me as she practically laid down and ate, feeding me a bite every so often. As soon as we had finished the food, Lauren set everything back on the desk before climbing until her whole body was in my lap, her forehead against the side of my jaw. She had pulled herself into a position in which she was sitting sideways on my lap with her legs pulled up to rest over the opposite of the chair's armrest. I had my arm resting over the top of her shins as she laid there and this was a position that I never wanted to leave. I smiled to myself, slightly lowering my head so that I could see Lauren a bit clearer. She was still hidden away in my neck but that didn't stop me from trying. I poked Lauren's sides which caused her to squirm, but I knew she was trying her hardest not to move an inch. I chuckled to myself and did it again which elicited a small squeal that the younger girl tried to cover up.

I chuckled to myself and decided to stop teasing the shorter girl. Instead, I wrapped my arms around her waist before looking at the clock to the left of us. I only had another five minutes before I had to go back to tending to patient's and I really wasn't looking forward to leaving again. I had just gotten Lauren to talk to me and now I had to leave again, which could possibly mean that Lauren may not want to cooperate later on. I didn't know how much she wanted to interact with me after everything that has happened but all I could do now was hope that she wouldn't want to push me away even further. There wasn't anything I could do to really change her mind so I just had to wait. I sighed to myself once I realized I had gotten lost in my thoughts so much to the point that I had to go back to work. I stood up from the chair which elicited another squeal from the smaller girl in my arms. Lauren clutched onto me even tighter but looked at me in confusion when I turned around to set her back in the same chair I had just stood up from.

"I have to go back to work for a little bit but I'll be back soon. After that we can get some dinner if you'd like. Does that sound okay?" I asked hesitantly as Lauren looked away from my eyes and down to the floor. I crouched down in front of her so that we could be level but the shorter girl was dead set on avoiding my eyes. I knew that the second I had to return to work, Lauren would go back into her shell and not want to interact with me. The thought was depressing but that also meant that I just had to try harder to get her to talk to me again. I didn't know how much longer she would want to put up with my shit but like I had said before; all I could do was hope for the best just like I've been doing. So with a heavy sigh, I reached to cup my hand around the back of Lauren's neck so that I could bring her closer to me before I planted a small kiss on her hairline. When I pulled away and stood up, I was surprised to see Lauren actually follow me with her eyes. "I'll see you in a little bit. I promise."

I knew how much Lauren valued promises so this was obviously a big deal to her. I watched as her eyes widened slightly at the sound of my promise to her but she was actually really good at masking her emotions when she wanted to. The surprised and hopeful look quickly vanished as soon as I saw it and all I received in return was a curt nod before the green eyes beauty looked away from me once more. With one last fleeting look, I closed the door behind me as I left to tend to more patients for the day. I went up to the reception desk to grab my next patient chart which effectively caught Camila's attention. She smiled warmly up at me with a small wave. "Hey Y/N/N. How are you today?" The small tapping sounds of the keyboard took over between us as the shorter Cuban had to enter in whatever she needed to do on the computer.

"Oh, just peachy." I replied in a dry tone. With a roll of her eyes, Camila let out a snort in return to my lame sense of humor. I watched as she tilted her head to the side which was supposed to have just been to herself. I closed the file in my hands before turning to face the small Cuban sat in her chair. Camila was leaned up against the counter in front of her and was facing me, her arms crossed and holding her up. Her eyebrow was kinked up on her forehead to show just how amused she really was with me and my dry humor. I looked to my side to make sure nobody was waiting for me before looking back at one of my best friends. My lips thinned into a small line since I knew that Camila had some kind of retort getting ready to come out at any moment. I just had to brace myself for what was to come.

Pure Innocence (Lauren/You)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ