Chapter 1

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Jades' P.O.V

When we get to the tour bus I'm relieved to see Perrie being a d adult so we can have our much need chat with the girls. "Perrie can I talk to you a sec" I ask the slight older Gordy as she slowly walks over to me "what mama?" She asks politely as always "Can we tell the girls about you being little, I'm sure they will be fine with it" I ask calmly "erm ok" she says.

As we rush to the bus I try to plan what to say the others, a thousand thoughts are running through my head 'are they going yo be ok with everything?', 'will Pez be ok on tour?', 'what will happen if the girls find out about her before we tell them?'. I feel over whelmed when all of a sudden I am snapped out of my anxiety-ridden thoughts when I hear Jesy shouting at me to get on the bus before we pull away and head off on tour....  opportunity lost now that Jesy is mad at me and I need us all to be calm and in a good mind-set for this to take place and for Perrie's sake I cant have a fight when she is under stress and at a higher likeliness of slipping into her head space.

I gently whisper into Pez's ear "not now Babe" knowing that she will be upset that she cant reveal herself to the girls yet, and just have to hope that she can stay in her adult head space for just a little bit longer, at least until Jesy can calm herself down and have a reasonable conversation without getting mad at us.

Perrie's P.O.V

I hear Jade whisper in my ear and my heart brakes but I don't show it because I know it will just up-set her and make her feel like a failure which non of us or the team need at the start of a tour, we have a saying which is "Start the tour as you mean to go on" 

Uh Oh... I feel like I'm slipping into my lowest aged head-space (6 months). I. I . I can't do this not now. 

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