Chapter 4

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Perries P.O.V

As I tentatively listen to Jade sing her verse of Secret Love Song and wave at the fans singing their hearts out below us I feel the familiar feeling of slipping. Of course it has to happen during a show, the first one of the UK leg of the tour. I give Jesy the look of 'help I'm slipping' and she gives me the look of 'don't panic we'll figure it out', there is no way to figure this out though we are live floating in the air to 10,000 fans screaming at us and I'm going into the mindset of a 1 year old.

I feel myself starting to cry which I think I might be able to get away with during the ballad section of the show but what about the after this? when it's back to singing and dancing like a true professional not a baby who babbles along to her favourite songs. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the person who tells us when to sing shouting in my ear telling me to hurry up and start singing, I can't do that I'm can't sing like the Perrie Edwards everyone knows me to be so I use the oldest trick in the book and put my mic up for fans to sing my part for me and they'll just think I'm to emotional to sing. The fans do my verse absolutely perfectly and I manage to clamber enough adult hood to do my famous high note at the end, by this time Mama has realised that I'm little and gives Aunty Jes the look of hold her hand so she doesn't panic to much and I'll fix it when we get back stage again.

Phew we are back on the ground to go and change into our next costume but I just keep getting younger and younger to the point where I'm having to fake limp and have Jadey and Auntie Leigh hold me up while Auntie Jes runs ahead to tell our mangers that I don't feel well and can't finish the show. I'm going to be in so so so much trouble for this and the mixers are going to feel so worried. The manger says that it is ok although I'll have to magically recover by tomorrow night or else I will be in trouble I just look at the ground. Auntie Jes and Auntie Leigh are sent out to the stage to explain that I don't feel great and going to go and relax in the bus for the rest of the show as mama carries me to my bunk and tell me to stay there with my stuffies while she goes to finish the show and then when she gets beck she'll take of my makeup and put me in my nappy for the night.

Jades P.O.V

My poor baba Pezza, she's tiny little tonight and slipped on stage. I have triple pinky promised when the show is finished to nappy her up and snuggle with her after we are both ready for bed. UGH I feel so bad for  having to leave her but just her leaving will worry the mixers enough and we have a rule in our stupid contacts that states that at least 3 out of 4 girls must be at every performance so I asked her main dancing partner since all the crew know what's going on to stay and keep an eye on her full well knowing that Pez would refuse to let them put her in her nappy or snuggle with her so they are in the bunk next to her but she doesn't know it yet.   

                  -------------- AFTER THE SHOW ------------------------

As soon as the show finishes I rush to the dressing rooms to take off my makeup and rinses all the spray out of my hair then head straight to the bunks of the bus to a sleeping baby in her bunk. She look so innocent lying there dummy being sucked on fast asleep. It breaks my heart that I have to wake her up and take off all that makeup but if I don't her skin will go bad. 'this is going to be hard' I think to myself Perrie is hard enough to wake up when she is an adult never mind a little. I bite the bullet and give her a gentle shake while singing SLS to her in the hopes that our song will take her out of dream land and into the human race again, I end up getting through the whole song which Jes and Leigh had to help me with as my voice is nearly dead after the show tonight as she starts to stir and groggily says "Mama?" as if to question whether it is actually me or not I reply with a simple "Time to get that make up off baba" to which she does grabby hands.

As I lift the fragile girl onto my hip I realise that she has had an accident in her tour dress. Uh Oh I mutter to my self as Jes notices and says she'll stay up to wash it tonight as I'm going to have my hands full with this little one and she wants to be a bigger part of looking after Pez anyway. I seriously love these girls with all my heart.

After I get her all washed up and ready to go back to bed I ask Leigh if she would mind grabbing me a bottle of milk heating up for once I've got Pezza comfy on the sofa and have a nice Disney movie playing on the plasma screen in the cinema room of the bus.

My poor baby was so exhausted she never even made it to the end of her bottle never mind the movie and I carefully maneuver her further into my arms and through to the bunks as I whisper the the other 2 girls and the Mix Men to be quiet for the rest of the night as Pezza is beyond exhausted and a tired little isn't fun for anyone to deal with.

Shortly after Pez is away to bed we all realise we need an early night and head to bed.

Mama??? (jerrie age play)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora