Chapter 7 (written by @JanexCath)

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Jade's P.O.V 

"Perrie baby? Pezza?" I cooed softly as I looked for her, hoping she'd hear me and come out. "There she is", I smiled as I spotted her in the car and gently climbed into the backseat, letting leigh get in the passengers. "Oh Pezzaroo", I whispered and gently lifted her into my lap, stroking her hair. "I know Baby, I know", Perrie whimpered softly, and I figured she was trying to fight regressing. After what Jesy said, I'm not Suprised. I'm fuming at her, we all are. But especially me. "Perrie baby come on, mama's got you. You're safe. You're not a pain or a burden and I love you soo much", I kiss her nose gently, smiling as I saw the small smile that tugged at her lips. "There's my happy baby", I cooed. "Let's go back home yeah? And we can get all cosy on the sofa, with auntie Leigh-Leigh, and give you your bottle and get you calmed down little love," I nodded to leigh and got her to switch into the drivers and bring us home.

Leigh-Anne P.O.V

 I sighed softly as I closed the door behind me and sat down on the sofa. Today had been a long day. I know we'd been fighting little more recently but I really didn't expect Jesy to leave like that. And be so cruel to poor Pez. I looked up as I saw Jade come in with the baby. "Oh does auntie leigh get some snuggles hmm?" Perrie had crawled into my arms and Jade went to make her her bottle. "You give the best cuddles Pez", I whispered and couldn't help but smile at the way her entire face lit up. "'Eally?" "Really baby", I nodded and kissed her hair. "Oh look mama's got your baba!" Perrie crawled straight over to Jade and I laughed softly, watching her get settled and the two bonding.

I still can't believe she's gone. It's so odd to think about. I understand not wanting to be apart of the regression, bjt randomly leaving the band out of nowhere and leaving us to pick up the pieces and release a statement? I didn't think she would ever hurt us like that. Letting my eyes drift back to the Jerrie duo, I let my mind wander too; what would this mean for me? They wouldn't call the band off completely would they? And I'd still be included? Even though Jade was Perrie's best friend and her mama? I bit my lip. "Excuse me..." I mumbled and went upstairs.

No P.O.V 

The new trio had finally settled into a routine once the paper's were signed two days later: they'd released a statement and were also preparing for an interview with Perrie about her regression, mainly just making sure she knew she was safe and she would be happy and fine, and if she wasn't they could leave. Leigh and Jade understand how hard it was for Perrie to tell all of them, let alone tell the world. But Perrie knew she'd have her best friends, her sisters, her family, with her the entire time.

Perrie's P.O.V

 "So I basically go into the headspace of a young child to cope with stress and when I have some free time, it's like an escape from the adult world. Sometimes I get extremely nervous or scared on stage, especially when the fireworks go off- that's why I sometimes go and sit offstage for a moment. I just thought it was time to tell everyone. Oh! And Jadey is my caregiver and Leigh-Anne is Auntie Leigh-Leigh", I giggle and look up at them both, leaning into them.

"So what can your fans do to help?" "Nothing really... jsut, accept me for me?" I whispered and cuddled Jade. "I can't always control when I feel small.. that's why it's hard... sometimes it just happens and it's scary," I bury my head in Jade's chest. "But she's our brave little monkey, eh Pez?" I smiled shyly at jade, sucking my thumb. "Baby is it okay if we carry on with the interview with little Perrie? You can jsut sit on my knee and snuggle if you'd like?" I looked up at her and nodded hesitantly, pulling a blanket over myself and allowed myself to regress properly. "Sorry about the pause guys", Jade smiled at the camera. "Just settling little Pezza", she added and I smiled softly into her chest, keeping my head under the blanket but then slowly peeking out. "Someone's playing peekaboo!" The interviewer smiled and I giggled in delight at her playing along. I noticed Leigh smiled from the sides and filming it, so I blew her a big kiss and shuffled over so I could cuddle mama and auntie too! "Okay folks! That's the end of the interview! Say goodbye girls!" "Byeee!" Mama sung. "Bye guys, we love you!" I giggled as auntie leigh-Leigh blew a kiss. "Babye," I squealed and cuddled mama. "My mama", I whispered, and then fell asleep in her lap.

Mama??? (jerrie age play)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora