Big News

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I found myself in my work bathroom, crying. I had just got some very big news. You see, my period was three weeks late. I never thought much of it, as my periods were often irregular. This time was different though, I had been sick the past three mornings. I had figured that it was my stomach problems, but then it had finally clicked. I had figured out the connection the night before, so I left early for work so I could take a test before I clocked in. My work sold pregnancy tests, so it was super easy to get ahold of one. I bought it and walked into the bathroom. I already knew the answer at this point, but I needed a test to confirm. As I expected, it was positive, two blue lines.
I just cried; tears of joy and tears of pure terror. I called my best friend to see what I should do. I knew she would tell me to tell my aunt, so I called her next. She told me that we would figure it out when I got home. I called my boyfriend and told him to come over after I got out of work. Then I just went to work like nothing ever happened.
It was a long drive home from work. When i got home, my boyfriend was already there waiting for me and my aunt had told him the news. Everyone was super supportive, telling me that we would figure things out. My boyfriend told me that he would help raise it as his own, even though the baby was from my previous relationship. My aunt called my parents and told them.
Next I called the father. He encouraged an abortion. At first, I completely dismissed the idea. Then it got to be night time, and I was left alone with my thoughts. I started to consider an abortion. The next day, my boyfriend had changed his mind and decided he wanted to break up because he didn't want to raise a child. That was the last straw for me, I knew I needed to have an abortion. I scheduled a same-day appointment at UHS. I was so scared, but i knew what I had to do.
I told everyone that I was going to work, but I was really going to my appointment. It was really easy to get pills to induce an abortion, I was shocked. She wrote me a script for two pills. One for as soon as I got them, and another for the next morning. Basically the pill induces a period and forces a miscarriage. It wasn't a hard decision to take the pills. The voices in my head told me that it was for the best. And from there, I never told anyone.
I let everyone believe that I faked the pregnancy, because it was easier than explaining that I got an abortion.
This is when my addiction flourished.

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