The Aftermath

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At this point, I've dropped out of college because I couldn't face walking on campus, so I never went. I'm smoking weed and drinking every night. I was a mess. Then I went in for surgery, and came out with an ileostomy. I felt so ugly, so dirty. This just hurt me more. They gave me oxycodone and dilaudid, which caused my addiction to take full swing.
My parents started to catch on, finding empty vodka bottles and could smell the marajuana. March 27th, 2018, they had finally had enough and kicked me out. For me, this was my last straw. I intentionally overdosed on pills. I failed at spent three days in the behavioral health unit, basically a psych ward. Only to overdose again when I got out, then again after that. Finally my aunt reached out to help.
I moved in with her for a while. I fell in love again, I had a good job, I was starting to get my life back on track. Until one day...

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