⚘ fifteen ⚘

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The night was cold but it felt good to Emery. She finally felt something. Josh had driven them to a secluded area. "Alright, let's scream." He bellowed first, and Emery came second. It felt good, to let it go.

And when Emery was finished, she felt exhausted. She sat down on the ground and just thought. She thought about everything.

"A penny for your thoughts," Josh sat next to her; his heat made her shiver.

"I - thank you, Josh."

"Anything for you." He pulled her in and kissed her head before putting his head on hers. Her head laid on his shoulder.

"I know this will sound stupid, and I probably shouldn't say it, but." She huffed.


"But I don't want you to leave yet. I'm sorry. I know this is something you want to do. Music and all that. And it's not like we're anything." She shrugged, straightening herself upward.

"Emery, it's okay. You don't need to apologize. I don't want to leave yet either. But everything has been decided. But we have FaceTime and phone calls. It'll feel different, but I'll call you everyday." She smiled, "And we haven't really talked about what we are, huh."

She shook her head, "No."

"Well, you're important to me. And I want to take it further, you know."

"Like, dating."

He chuckled, "Yes, like dating. I'd like to call you my girlfriend."

"I'd like that, boyfriend." He grinned widely and then kissed her. She was just as eager as he was. Her fingertips traced his jaw, while his arms wrapped around her. This kiss was different than the rest. It was almost has if they fully accepted what they were. It was only them in the world at that moment.

Emery had to remove herself reluctantly, but she needed to breath. This time, he traced her jaw, his thumb running over her lips. They looked at each other, their moment had not ended. But it had too. "We should get you home, Em. You look freezing."

She laughed, "I don't feel it."

"You got goosebumps all over you." He stood and then helped her up. Once they were in the car, he blasted the heat and rubbed his hands together. She realized how cold she was as well.

She hummed along with the radio, then she said, "I play the violin too."


"Yeah, my mother wanted her daughter to be violinist. The teacher liked me enough to teach me for free. I liked her."

"Well, I'd love to see you play it.."

"Maybe, in the future. I don't even know where I put that thing anyways. I haven't practiced in years."

"I think you'd do great." He encouraged with a smile.

"I'd love to be able to sing."

"Ah, I can teach you that."

"That would be wonderful."

Their hands stayed together the whole way home, the only time they separated was when they hand to get out of the car. Josh had changed into his clothes that Jo had brought and Emery changed into her pajamas. They laid in the bed, quiet. Her eyes started to get heavy, and that's when she fell asleep.

Her dreams were filled with her past. The first time her mother physically hit her. The black eyes of her non-biological father staring her down. Her sisters laugh. And her brothers words. She awoke in a sweat, trying to control her breathing. Josh was still sleeping and she felt relief. She didn't want to wake him up. Her eyes went to the clock. It was six in the morning, but the sun wasn't up yet. She thought it was best to get up. Slowly and quietly, she got up out of bed and opened the door. She had grabbed her phone along the way.

Buttercup and Oreo continued to sleep as she made herself some coffee. She sipped on it as she made decisions. Her eyes read each name of therapists. She didn't know who to choose, so she looked up each name. There were even pictures for some of the them.

However, one was singled out to her. So, she called.

"Hello, this is Adelaide Bonet Office. Pam speaking, how can I help?"

"Hi, um, I was wondering if I could make an appointment with her."

"Of course, I just have a few questions. First, your name."

"Emery Windsor."

By eight, the sun was finally coming up, and the sunrise was beautiful. So many purples and pinks swirled around the sky. It was peaceful, however, she did not feel peaceful anymore.

Her peace of mind had been the idea that her family didn't know where she was. But now, that was broken. However, this time, she wasn't going to run. She was gonna fight. She had so many people here that she cared about. She wasn't going to leave.

Emery heard feet hitting the floor softly, and she turned her head. Josh was squinting at the light and his hair was a mess. She smiled at him, loving the look. "Morning,"

"Morning, you weren't in bed."

"Mm, I had some things to do. Coffee?"

"Sure." She stood up from the chair and started her way to the coffee maker. He stopped her, and then kissed her. "My morning kiss." She melted in him. He chuckled, kissing her again, a little longer this time.

"Oh! Gross!" Jo stated loudly, making both of them jump.



"No food for you!"

She gasped, "You wouldn't."

"I would." They glared at each other until they broke. Both laughed while Josh looked between the two like they were crazy, but had a little smile on his face. They enjoyed their morning, drinking coffee and eating some food.

Someone knocked on the door, making the dogs bark. Josh stood up, shushing the dogs, and opening the door. "Oh, hey."

Jake walked in, his hand moving through his hair. Emery looked at Jo, who was biting her lip. Emery covered her mouth, hiding her smile. Jo was smitten with Jake.

"Hey, Jo."

"Hey, Jake."

"Good morning." Emery said, "Welcome to my home." Josh sat back down next to Emery, moving his arm to rest behind her on the chair.

"Thanks. Uh, mom wants us to do a family thing. She invited you and Jo."

"Thank you, but I think it should just be you guys. Since this is your last day." Josh looked at her to argue. "Josh, this is your family. Let them have you without me or Jo."

"What?" Jo murmured. "I'm not allowed to go?"

"No, we'll have Layla and Cami come over. We haven't done a girls night in a while."

"Are you sure?" Josh asked.

Emery assured, "Yes."

Josh nodded and kissed the side of her head, "I'll come over tonight."


Josh and Jake left after grabbing his things. Emery was going to miss Josh. But she shouldn't stop him. She should be there for him, just like he is for her.


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