⚘ eight ⚘

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"Emery, hun, wake up." A soft voice spoke. She grumbled and clenched her eyes shut. A weird beeping noise made it to her ears and she became confused. "Emery." She opened her eyes and saw wires in her arms. She followed them to a bag with fluid in them. She saw what was making that noise and it was her heart beating. It was slow. Was it suppose to be slow? She turned her head slowly.

Jo was sitting there, looking worn out. "Why am I in the hospital?"

"You fainted on the bus. The ambulance took you and they called me. Do you know how scared I was! Especially when they said you fainted. My god woman!" Jo's eyes were starting to water.

Emery wanted to cry with her but she never cried in front of people. "I'm sorry.."

"Why -"

"Ah," the doctor came into the room, "Ms. Windsor. I'm glad you're awake. You had us worried. Your body is very malnourished and dehydrated, so we have fluid that will help with that. You hit your head when you fell, so we are going to watch for any symptoms of a concussion. Do you have any questions?"

Emery shook her head, but Jo asked, "Is she going to be okay?"

"She should be fine after she starts eating. We'll start you with just a little bit, alright." Emery nodded. Once the doctor left, they sat in silence.

"You were out for a day, Emery." Emery just stared at the television. She was humiliated. She didn't want Jo or anyone else to figure out that she was weak. "I checked on your pups. They were happy to seem me, but they kept looking at the door. They miss you." Emery's chin started to shake. "I let Layla and Cami know that you were in the hospital. They're waiting in the wait room. We were so worried about you. Why didn't you tell us?" Emery didn't have an answer for her. "Are you not going to say anything?" Emery closed her eyes. "Emery, please." At the sound of her voice cracking, Emery couldn't hold it in anymore. She had to look away. "Fine." Jo left in a thunder and the only noise was the cursed beeping. She sniffled, keeping her eyes on the window.

Someone came into the room but didn't say anything. They only sat down. She tried to stop crying, but it made it worse. A warm hand touched hers and she knew it was Josh. Which humiliated her even more. Look what she had done. He touched her cheek to make her look at him, and she had no strength to stop him.

He looked as beautiful as ever, even if her sight was watered down by her tears. He just caressed her cheek, wiped the tears away, and said nothing. They were like that for awhile. She had finally broken down, and he was there to comfort her.

"It's gonna be okay." He spoke so softly. She nodded. She wanted to be okay. She knew she had her problems. She needed help. They were quiet a few moments more. "Everyone is here to see you. Jo called me flustered and mom overheard. She's just as worried. And so is my dad, Ronnie and Sam and Jake and Danny. Layla and Cami haven't stopped shaking." She bit her lip. She hadn't realized that so many people...cared. Her chest hurt that she had to put her hand on it and tightened her hold on Josh.

"I'm so sorry."

"Shh," he pushed her hair around her ear. "they just want to make sure that you're okay. They love you." She shook her head.

"They shouldn't."

"Why?" He furrowed his brows in empathy.

"Look at me, I'm a mess. I -" I'm unlovable. She shook her head.

"You're a mess they are willing to look after. And that's okay. It's okay to have people who want to be there for you, no matter what."

She looked at him. His eyes looked like they were dead tired and his curly hair looked like he had run his hands through them, "How long have you been here?"

"Since Jo called, which was yesterday."

She closed her eyes in pain. "Has everyone been.."

"Yes." She put her hand on her forehead, massaging it. "But I don't care, Em. We wanted to make sure you were alright and none of us wanted to leave." She put her head back on the pillow.

"I'm gonna go tell them that you're okay. Is it okay if everyone comes in?"

She wasn't ready, but she nodded. He left the room and she sat up a little bit, but it physically hurt. The first person that popped in was Ronnie. She fast walked over to her and hugged her. "Emmers!" Emery smiled and hugged her back. She watched as everyone came in, even Jo who still looked mad. "I'm glad you're okay." She whispered.

"Thanks, Ronnie." She looked at everyone, one by one. "Thank you for coming."

Karen was the first to say something, "You don't have to thank us, sweetie. We want to be here." Emery smiled at her.

Sam set down some flowers by her bed. "We ran and got these for you while Josh was in here."

"They're beautiful." He smiled and Danny walked up with a teddy bear that said 'Get Well Soon'. He set it by the flowers and she smiled, touching the soft bear. Jake handed her some coloring books for kids.

"I thought you might get bored, so.."

"Thanks, Jake."


She looked over at Layla and Cami who had bloodshot eyes. "Guys,"

They came over one each side and hugged her. "Don't ever do that again!" Cami said, squeezing her, which made Emery laugh. "I won't."

She looked at Jo, "Sorry."

Jo nodded before blowing out a breath and came over, getting into the group hug. Everyone else watched with smiles on their faces. They all breathed a sigh of relief. She had no idea that she had everyone worried. Jo and Layla had seen the signs and they regretted not saying anything. They should have been there for her and they weren't.

They were gonna be there now, even more so that she was going to be sick of it. And that was everyone's resolution.

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