(Part 27) Reunited

Start from the beginning

Jade hugged him back and immediately punching his shoulder playfully after they pull away from each other. It didn't really hurt much but it surprised him.

"You're late, the kids have been waiting for you." She said unapprovingly.

"I'm sorry, got held up at home." Harry apologized, scratching his head and avoiding eye contact because he knew exactly what held him up at home.

"Course you are." Jade snorted before pushing Harry to the room where 10 kids and teens were waiting for him. "Now get your ass in there before they get bored and start sneaking out again." She added before pushing him more, breathing a little hard because she knows how Harry was teasing her by making it more difficult for her to push him.

"What are you saying? Jake is an angel." Harry mentioned with a laugh.

He knows how much a trouble maker Jake was and how Jade adored the kid but he's driving her nuts with all his schemes.

Jade just huffed and shook her head before slapping Harry's back and walking away.

Harry chuckled before finally entering the room and flashing a bright smile to everyone in the room who looked bored out of their mind.

"Hello everyone!" He greeted a little too enthusiastically making a few unsuspecting kids jump in surprise.

"Harry!" they shouted and immediately stopped what they were initially doing to greet him back.

A few kids who were already too close to Harry came to him and hugged him while others stayed back and waved at him in greeting.

"Did you guys wait long?" Harry asked after the hugs have subsided.

"Ms. Thirlwall bribed as snacks if we waited for you for a few more minutes." Amy told him where she stood at the front, always wanting to be at front so she can lead other kids to follow her moves while she copies Harry's.

"I can't believe you guys needed to be bribed to wait for me, you should wait for me for free because I'm awesome." Harry sighed in disappointment as he started checking if all the safety mats were already in place before he starts his class.

"Eh that's debatable Mr. Styles." Rosa chimed from the back which made a few of the kids laugh.

"You all wound me." Harry pouted before going back in the front to see if anyone was missing in class.

He started the self defense and martial art class at the orphanage to help some kids struggling with their body and letting out a few aggression and energy to good use. Some of these kids came from an abusive family and he knew how much physical abuse can damage the wellbeing of a child.

He learned it from experience.

He was just lucky to have met Louis who introduced him to boxing, he always wondered what could have happened to him if he wasn't able to divert his aggression to the sport.

He was doing anything he can for the sake of the kids.

"Alright, how about we start with some nice long stretches, you wouldn't want to stay in bed forever like a certain someone I know." Harry

"Heeey, that was one-time Harry." Jake whined from his spot as the kids who already knew the story laughed at him, others were just staring at the blushing boy curiously.

"I'm not saying it was you Jake, but I appreciate you pointing it out for everyone." Harry chuckled before plugging his phone to the speaker and playing an upbeat song, so they wouldn't get bored easily flailing their limbs carelessly.

"Alright everyone in position and just repeat what I do alright?" Harry told them and they all replied with a 'Yes' in unison.


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