Waking up (chapter 2)

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Adams POV

"Ty please calm down" I say softly,stroking he's hair back."n..no!" He cries,sobbing harder...it's been 2 hours since he saw what state Mitch was in and he's still sad.

"We need to find Jerome!" Ty screams,gripping my arm harder.i shake my head,looking out into the stormy sky."we can't its dark and dangerous out there,well look in the morning,and didn't you and Mitch have a fight?" I say,looking at him weirdly."yes but forgive and forget...plus what if Jerome's really hurt or he's having another bacat?!" Ty says faster,looking up franticly."he'll die!" Ty says.

I smile lightly and lay back on the bed,holding Ty up against me."we're just gonna have to wait..right?...right Ty?" I ask looking down to see him finally asleep.

Setos POV

"Shhh don't worry Ian hell be fine for the night" I say,trying to calm him down.he shakes he's head sobbing.

I don't want to even think about what kind of trouble Jerome might be in.

I pull Ian closer up against my chest,knowing hell get cold from the cold."it's lonely and dark down there for him!" He cries,sobbing harder."I know b.." I didn't want to finish knowing Ian's right..it is dark and lonely down stairs with only the oven,microwave and skylight being the only light source...and it being a dark no moon night..

"Can he at least sleep with us?" Ian asks,sniffing."how about we give him a fluffy toy that feels like Jerome?" I ask,Ian nods and gets up."ok.." He says slowly.

-later ^^-

"He should be fine now" I say softly looking at Mitch.

We found a blanket to put over him and a fluffy teddy from Matthews room."yeah" Ian replied,leaning on me gently.

The rain hit harder on the roof making the gutters flood like crazy so large waterfalls of rain escaped the sides."we should get to bed,if we wanna be able to find Jerome were gonna need the rest" I say,wrapping my arms around Ian's waste,he nods softly.


Mitch's POV

"J..Jerome?" I whimper,turning around to see a fluffy teddy instead of a fluffy bacca..

Wait...I left him out on the road!!!!!

"JEROME" I scream,sitting up quickly,wincing at the sudden pain."Mitch what's wrong?!" Adam calls,running downstairs while holding a sleepy looking Matthew."where's Jerome?!" I cry.adam sighs,walking closer to me.

"We don't know.were going to look for him today"

"I could help!" I yell,worrying.adam shakes he's head frowning."you can't,your to badly injured and we found something that may shock you" he said,grabbing my arm lightly.

4 long scratches made there way up my forearm."who's are they?" I whimper,covering my arm with my sleeve."Jerome's or another baccas" Adam says sadly,passing Matthew to me.

Matthew begins to lick playfully at my arm as I pick him up,he sure has gotten heavy..or am I getting weak?..

"Do you know where Jerome is? It'll help us a lot" Adam says,petting mat.i nod and look around."do you have some paper and a pen,ill draw a small sketch of the area" I say,Adam gets up and runs out of the room leaving me and Matthew.

"Here" Adam said,running back into the room,passing me the paper and pencil.

Ian's POV

I woke up to seto holding me tighter then usual..did something bad happen last night?..


"Seto let go" I whimper,trying to pull him off.he groans and let go,turning over and pulling the blankets with him.the fog from outside makes a perfect shield from the sun coming down into our room."seto wake up" I groan,shoving he's shoulder.

"DADDEH" Kyle screams,running into our room and jumping onto our bed."Shhh Kyle jeez" I giggle,pulling him up towards me and seto.

"Seto..get up" I say,pushing him harder."Ian leave me alone..." He growls,pulling the blanket over he's face.

"We'll..ima go see if Mitch is awake and if he might know where Jerome is" I say,getting up."me tooooo!" Kyle yells excitedly,seto instantly throws the blanket off himself and grabs Kyle."no no no!,you are not coming with us!"

"Why not?" I ask,sanding."you saw the scratches on Mitch's arm,you could imagine what damage he could do to a tiny child" seto growls,"please there letting Matthew go why can't I,I can protect myself!" Kyle says,pushing setos arm off he's stomach.

"Because Jerome is more stronger then me and Ian put together,were not going to risk losing you to a rabid animal that might kill you!" Seto says,he's voice doused with anger.

"We'll you can't leave me here alone!" Kyle says sadly."that's why we're getting Ty to stay and look after you" seto says plainly.

"It's no fair!" Kyle growls,running out the room crying.i look at seto,instantly he's eyes connect with mine..uh no..

"What?! Do you seriously think I'm going to let Jerome kill him!?" Seto shouts.i shake my head franticly,picking my shirt up."I'm gonna check on Mitch,you just get some more rest" I say softly,putting my shirt on.

Setos never been this mad..

'Yeah and it's your fault' my derp self laughed,'why?' I reply in my head.

'Last night you said things that made seto upset'


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