Threesome?? Celeste is a milf? Taka becomes waifu????? Naegis a twink???

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Cumbucket kept holding events like these for the students all the time now, to the point where they were practically begging to actually do something—Cadence had forgotten to count to ten! Although, maybe that's all on her and not the school. If asked, Cumbucket said the same thing, something about a good hopeful start to the school year and the students. It almost seemed as if he was planning something, but what power would a school have? A school can't take over the world only killing your friends and a giant robot can.
Cadence slouched as she made her way over to her dorm. The day had been like the rest, fun yet exhausting. Cadence spent a lot of valuable time trying to get the girls to undress in order to prove they weren't cross-dressing perverts (Chihiro got pretty defensive). Cadence turned a corner, arriving at her destination to find her good pal Taka.
"Hey Taka, you want a sucky sucky? Everyone at school's seen ne put a lot of things down my throat during lunch." Said Cadence, unaware of how that sounded.
Taka, already used to her behavior, replied "I'm sure I can confide in you—after all, this does involve you."
Cadence accidentally imagined Mondo making hentai faces as Taka pushed him on his furniture and rammed into— "Please, come in!"
Once inside, Taka became completely serious. "Cadence, it would be best if you did not trust our classmate Celestia."
"What?" Cadence's mood dropped, she was the only girl that could tolerate her sometimes.
"Taka, buddy, what is Celeste capable of? See, she's the ultimate gambler so she must be great at lying and deceiving people—oh."

Cadence was currently in the library, trying to take her mind off Taka's words. She was trying, forcing, herself to act like her normal self by looking for porn in the school's library. Knowing Cumbucket by now, a library containing porn really did bring hope to the students. He seemed so caught up with hope haha weird.
Cadence finally found what she was looking for, except it was the copy of a book she already owned so she vandalized it instead.
"Cumbucket is a peepee poopoo head XD"
"Cadence wuz here!!"
"Naegi isn't a virgin LOL" an arrow pointing to that writing led to another line that said "this is Byakuya's doing".
Once satisfied, Cadence placed the book back in it's original place and turned to find Celes behind her. "What are you doing?"
Cadence panicked, not because she had just finished drawing penises on something that belonged to the school but because she had just been told to avoid this person moments before. "Uh, Celes I—"
"You look pale. Should we go back to the nurse?" She chuckled.
"I-I'm always white." Cadence began to sweet.
"Could it be you were told som—" Cadence quickly reached into her pocket and threw the condiments she had stored, a "nyeh!" escaped her mouth as she threw the packets and they hit Celes directly in the face.
With that, Cadence ran out of the library. She didn't want to be around Celes—not when she used someone to make sure Cadence wouldn't find out her talent.

"You marked it out on my file... Why doesn't Cumbucket have more copies? Stupid bear."
"Forgive me." Taka couldn't look her in the eyes, which didn't matter because Cadence couldn't hold eye contact with anyone. "I thought I was following the rules..."
"It's fine, I expect that from you. If you were in a killing game or something, everyone would want you to live." Cadence smiled at Taka creepily, showing off her braces.
"That's scary, you're scaring me."

As Cadence ran for her not-so-dear life, she bumped into someone.
"Ah! My ass!" Cadence yelled out, landing on her ass. "My white person ass! That's gonna leave a bruise—y'know, because I'm white and all."
"Gomenasai!" Guess who stood up and bowed. "Forgive me, Neko-chan... Kawaii me was going to say 'ohayou' to Naegi-sama teeheehee! Kyaaa~ I wishu he's a v-virgin desu... Hehehe of course he is—it's Naegi!" Cadence was getting luckier as the day went by.
"I understood nothing." She said, trying to sound as mean as possible. There were a lot of cute girls in her class Hm, I wonder if Chihiro's free right now? and the ultimate weeb was not one of them her personality was just as clapped as her appearance, getting along with her sounded like a pain.
"You know, I'd go yandere-chan for Naegi-sama. Teehee." Said the crusty bitch.
"I understood that much weeb."
"Kyaaa~ Naegi-sama makes me doki doki! He's so... kawaii. Hehe, he's my baka!" said Emily. Cadence didn't want to see her make hentai faces so she began to run again.

"I thought you would like to know your talent?"
"I do."
"I see." Silence.
"Are you going to tell me?"
"Of course." Taka pulled out a file he had apparently been holding the entire time and handed it to Cadence.
"In here?" She knew the answer to that, she needed to be reassured.
Cadence could no longer contain herself, maybe Cumbucket wasn't stupid after all. With shaky hands she pulled out the paper and skimmed through.
"Oh, that explains a lot."
Ultimate bro.

To be continued in the following book, which will take place in the killing game.

Ishimawu Tawka-Kyun x Wreader x Cewestia Wudenbuwg-ChanWhere stories live. Discover now