chronicles tood tood

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"Gambler? Uh, okay you do you buddy." Cadence walked into the nurse's office only to find that cuck from earlier still there.

"Ah, I knew you'd come back sooner or later!"

"Cadence, could this be some crazy ex of yours?"

"I think i'm going to faint again."

"An ex? Even if I were I wouldn't act in such a desperate manner. As long as you're doing great on your own I will be happy." The guy spoke passionately which really scared Cadence. "Please stop fantasizing about me."

"Of course, before rushing into anything like that," I don't think we will. "we should know each other's names at once. I am Ishimaru Kiyotaka the ultimate hall monitor."

"That can be a talent? Am I the ultimate disappointment?" Cadence began to worry because to her that seemed like the only thing she was good at, spoiler alert she's not the ultimate disappointment and she's nowhere near being a disappointment okay.

"Disappointments are not welcome in a school environment." Ishimaru exclaimed.

"Are you suggesting I drop out?" Cadence had thought about it before, all this negativity radiating from herself made her wonder if she was the ultimate depressed teen. "Doesn't sound that bad of an idea, except for I was just accepted into a pretty great school."

"No, that is not what I meant! What I meant to say is that this is no place for negativity, I think we could get along. Please, call me Taka." The man stuck out his hand for Cadence to shake, instead she absentmindedly got down on one knee and nearly proposed. And then she began to choke.

"I'm really concerned for her, shall I look after her?" Suggested Celestia.

"Nah, I'm fine. I think I've missed some class time so I'm kinda fucked." Said Cadence, now beginning to worry.

"I will take you to your class," said Taka, "I can't afford anyone skipping class under my watch--that's certainly not welcome in a school environment!"

And with that the three walked down the halls, they hadn't notice they were in the same class together. Yeah, what a coincidence.

"I think now would be a good time to explain your strange actions from before." Taka stated, eyeing the random pile of hotsauce packets in the middle of the hall.

Cadence swept the packets with her foot and kicked them into a nearby classroom where they were out of sight. "That's welcome in a school environment."

"I don't--" Taka spoke.

"We've arrived." Celestia interrupted.

"How do you both know the building better than me although we're all new here?" Cadence questioned, could her talent have something to do with it? No, what talent involves a bad sense of direction. Everything was making her question what her talent could be, how come she could remember her own identity, her family, the school name, just about everything but not her talent?

Celestia noticed the concerned expression she held. "You may call me Celes, I believe we'll also get along well." That did make Cadence feel less like a shit sponge and felt the sudden boost she needed to walk into that classroom.

Huge fucking mistake, the headmaster came in to introduce himself, Mr. Monocumbucket or something, he was a robot and looked like stinky bear with a creepy laugh (what bitch programmed him?) this happened to still surprise Cadence although she had already noticed the advanced technology in the school.

She began to grow anxious as everyone was going around introducing themselves and their talents. Cadence was probably going to introduce herself like the weird Kyoko girl who somehow couldn't remember her talent either, she was cute and had big boobs. They weren't as big as Junko the ultimate fashionista's boobs but they were pretty large. She was mostly eyeing the cute chick who happened to be the ultimate programmer. I could hit that.

Cadence remembered there was still hope for her, maybe she was the ultimate lucky student. That hope was quickly crushed when a boy called Makoto said he was the untalented fuck. At that moment she decided she hated him because of his ahoge, there can only be one protagonist here, and he was probably a sad virgin.

"Konnichiwa, minna-chan!" God no, what was that unholy screech. "Nyan nyan, I'm Emily-chan, the ultimate neko-chan!" Cadence planned on growing her fingernails enough to stick them inside her ears and claw them until they bled and she lost her ability to hear.

"We accepted the ultimate weeaboo into the academy, we thought it would make your school days more interesting."

Cadence looked up to see she was wearing a Naruto headband and cat ears with pride to school. And... a maid outfit? "Sir, isn't that against dresscode?"

The headmaster turned to look at Cadence, who thought that design for the robot would be appropriate? It was terrifying. "Oh yeah, how 'bout you introduce yourself, huh?" Said Cumbucket.

"Yeah thanks for the trauma," whispered Cadence as she stood from her chair "Uh, I'm Cadence."

"What's your talent, turd magnet?" Asked Mondo, the guy with hair in the shape of a dick.

"Yeah I, uh, forgot?" Everyone held a face of disbelief, three untalented teenagers in just one classroom.

"Huh? That wasn't supposed to happen." The headmaster hadn't said that about Kyoko, but it's not like the best school is purposely wiping kid's memories. That would be weird, they might as well trap the students in the school and get them all to kill each other. Wow, that's very creative, could she be the ultimate fanfic writer? Wait, no, the bitch with the braids already took that one, Cadence was relieved about that one. Maybe creativity was only a factor of her talent. "We'll talk privately after class." Cumbucket flat out ignored Cadence only to get everyone's attention on the ultimate dick--I mean affluent progeny, uh same thing. Cadence continued to look at her classmate's boobs until class was over. When the bell rang she rushed to the headmaster.

"Alright here's the news kid, you're screwed."

Ishimawu Tawka-Kyun x Wreader x Cewestia Wudenbuwg-ChanWhere stories live. Discover now