the office bloopers hahaha funny

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"I wish to unsee that."
"That is not welcome in a school environment! I should confiscate it as well..."
"Can we please forget about that?" Cadence begged, she began to collect her items and throw them into her bag without a care.
Celes cleared her throat—and her mind. "We should head back to class now." She needed time away from Cadence. Who knew, maybe she was sexualizing Celes at that very moment.
"Did Monokuma really not know anything about your talent?" Asked Taka.
"Uh, the headmaster." Taka trailed off, hoping his new friend wasn't brain dead and convinced that the headmaster's name was actually Cumbucket.
"Good for nothing bear can suck my ultimate dick." Cadence muttered out angrily, she clearly held a grudge against the bear.
"The only idea I have is that she could be the ultimate porn addict." Added Celeste, although the real Cadence Wi—Wont is asexual but this one is a fusion of me and a certain dick who looks at his classmates boobs. Also, she claims to be straight but she accidentally turned bisexual in this story. That's my fault.
"I guess the only thing I can do is explore until I find my talent." Cadence said, feeling completely defeated.
"May I ask why you're so caught up on finding your talent?" Celes asked, neither her or Taka asked because they hadn't noticed until now how desperate the girl was to remember her talent.
"I kinda remember getting all excited about introducing my talent to everyone, I'm curious. If I felt so great about it as I walked through the school entrance, and I'm not a complete fuck up like I make myself out to be, I guess that would be... nice. Yeah." Cadence hadn't noticed how deep she got while talking to her new friends, she just met them and immediately trusted them—that couldn't be a good thing.
She stood up, she had made up her mind. "I'm sneaking into the office."

"This is seriously not welcome in a school environment." Taka repeated nervously, he did not need to remind Cadence that she was breaking school rules. She was very much aware, but she was already so caught up that she had to remember her talent at this point.
"The worst we could find is Cumbucket's weird kinks—if a robot has any—or no information on my talent." Cadence told the guy who was starting to piss her off, "If you're so worried why didn't you head to class with Celes? She only went back because you offered to come along and three would be a crowd for this sorta thing." She reminded, Taka spoke less when Celes was around Cadence, weird.
"I, uh... I need to make sure you don't break any more school rules. You'll only take a look, understood?" Taka practically ordered.
"Of course," Cadence agreed as they arrived to their destination, "Wow, I'm nervous. Finally gonna find out my talent!" Her thoughts were flooded with not only porn and images of her classmates nude but also questions regarding her talent. The suspense had been slow, painful torture throughout the school day. But at last her talent will be revealed.
There had been something odd about the conversation she had with Cumbucket after class, he seemed to be preparing for something. Cadence pushed that thought to the back of her mind. Probably some stinky idea that involves the students.
She turned the handle and pushed the door open. Weird, I expected more cool technology. Cadence thought she was mentally prepared for whatever she'd find past those doors, but this, this was definitely not it, chief.

Ishimawu Tawka-Kyun x Wreader x Cewestia Wudenbuwg-ChanWhere stories live. Discover now