my nephew sat on my face with his saggy diaper full of piss

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After Totd's visit helped Celes and Cadence repair their friendship, things were almost back to normal. Almost—Taka was still not around, much like my dad so please dad how long does it take to return from gas station to buy a cigar?
After apologizing to Celes, Cadence wanted to fix things with Taka as well. She asked around for him (trying not to come off in a way that Celes had) yet no one knew of him. No one except the ultimate weeb, Emily.
Somehow Emily had a way of knowing... things about everyone. Cadence did whatever she could in her power to avoid her, she was actually "terufried" of her (as Cumbucket would say, no one understood this, he brushed it off saying it was an inside joke). At some point she became desperate and approached the weeb.
"Three anime figurines if you don't mention this to anyone."
"Hai!" Cadence was disappointed in herself for understanding weeb language.
The weeb told her she last saw Taka in the nurse's office only moments ago, what was up with her pals visiting the nurse that seems to not exist so often? Cumbucket should at least hire a nurse that's only there for fan-service or something—what's that? That's not until the next Danganronpa game? Oh.
Cadence looked ahead once she turned a corner to find Taka rushing out of the nurse's office. She ran up to him, clearly she wasn't athletic but really twiggy, and latched onto his arm with her twiggy arms.
"T-This is not allo—"
"I've read the school rules, Kiyotaka."
Cadence still considered Taka a friend, but being called by his first name and hearing someone talk to him about school rules certainly grabbed his attention.
"As of lately, I don't think I've been following the rules as I should." Taka admitted.
Cadence didn't think it'd be that easy, now that she had the guy where she wanted she took him back into the nurse's office.
"I want to apologize."
"Apologize?" Taka asked.
"For my behavior." At this moment Cadence realized Taka would not had noticed her avoiding him and Celes, mostly because he was avoiding her for whatever reason, he probably had a real good fap that embarrassed him so much he couldn't look at anyone without being ashamed of himself—Cadence would know.
"Oh, of course! It's all good now!" Taka said as he stood up and made it for the door. Clearly talking with Taka would be more difficult then it was with Celes, it all depended on if he actually wanted to stick around to hear her out. Cadence knocked him out with her famous anorexic punch, it was very effective.

Taka woke up to find himself alone in an unknown room, he spotted a stack of hentai magazines and immediately knew where he was. He looked around, Cadence was no where in sight. Taka had to get out of there soon, he couldn't give himself away—but he didn't want to leave. He now understood how naive he had been, this lead to him going in hiding from everyone until he could get over it himself (as of now he couldn't confront anyone). He turned to the door of the bathroom to remind himself of his actions, this was his real punishment.
Taka was surprised when he saw a figure crawl out from underneath the bed, he screamed out of fear when his eyes made out the figure: Cadence.
"Oh, you're awake." She said, hentai magazine in one hand, flashlight in the other.
"Do you go there often?" Taka questioned.
"You wouldn't wake up." Cadence's ahoge looked exhausted, Taka would know.
The room became silent, Taka couldn't think of anything to talk about so he said the first thing that came to mind in a desperate attempt to save the conversation.
"What category?" He asked, referring to the magazine in her hand with tentalces and anime boobs on the cover in clear view.
"I didn't mean... Uh, may I confiscate that? Wait—" He panicked.
Cadence threw the magazine and flashlight aside, she would go back to those later when she'd be alone. She sad down beside Taka, she didn't need to worry about leaving space for Jesus (Taka is Jesus).
"I made up with Celes after some... stuff happened." She stated, "I can't help but feel as though I need to do the same with you, Taka."
Taka felt comforted after a stressful start at his new school, he held back his urge for the antenna dick because he seems to have a thing for weird hair (cough Mondo cough) but he managed. Most importantly, he promised he would have more than two lines in future episodes with interactions between him, Cadence, and Celes in order for the harem to get juicier. Cadence promised to choke more often. After they made up, Cadence began to choke. Things are back to normal were Cadence's thoughts.

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