fuck bitches get arrested she's underage

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Cadence Wont, our protagonist who's name was chosen at random and based off of absolutely no one, walked through the doors of her new school with joy and anxiety. She had been accepted into Hopes Peak Academy, the school of her dreams, and felt confident that she would become a completely new person who her classmates would get along with and love.

"I'm confident I will become a completely new person who my classmates will get along with and love!" See?

"I can't wait to meet them and show off my talent, they'll be amazed when they find out I'm the ultimate..." Oh no, looks like the girl who was talking to herself felt sudden exhaustion, must be from all the conversations she's had with herself. And then, she collapsed.

Cadence woke up in what looked like--what was obviously the school's nurse's office. "Damn, why are the students in charge of the school in anime it's like adults don't exist."  She stated.

"Ah, I feel like shit...more than the usual" Cadence stood up and looked around. "Haha, fuck. I'm going to be completely lost once I get out of here. I should kill some time and stay here." She decided. "I guess that's welcome in a school environment if you feel like this 'shit'." Said a sudden hot manly voice that must've come from the heavens above. "God?" Cadence looked up to look for the source of the voice.

"Oh no, the damage was that bad..." The voice said before revealing himself to show... a sexy yaoi anime boy.

"Kyaaa--UGHn!" Cadence began to choke.

"Dying is not welcome in a school environment!" Said the male, he threw himself onto the girl.

"Oh my god, sir get off me before I get the authorities I just choked on my saliva."

"Of course." Said the hot mysterious man who had yet too reveal himself.

Cadence stood there awkwardly as she didn't know what to say next. "Hey, uh, so... S-Sothauce?" You handed him a hotsauce packet, noticed how she fucked up, and ran out of that goddamn room.

Cadence then continued to walk in shame when she noticed her second mistake, she didn't know her way around the school yet. "I guess I'll look for a bathroom stall to lock myself in and sob." She decided. She continued walking but this time with a really sad purpose.

By the time she found a bathroom she was already in tears, her day had already gone to shit and she never got the name of the cute guy from earlier. Cadence stood in front of the mirror, swore she saw her own reflection shake her head, and hit her head multiple times against the sink hoping it would finish her off.

"Oh my, I don't think that's very healthy."

"Yeah not shit." Cadence replied coldly to the second mysterious voice of the day. She already dumped out her hotsauce packets in the middle of the hall so she wouldn't do the same mistake. She could get more from the school cafeteria, she'll  get banned from getting hotsauce from there eventually.

"No seriously, shall I walk you to the nurse?" Cadence turned around to look at the owner of the voice clearly, she needed some bitches before she dunked her head in acid so why not, and oh boy this girl looked like her Onee-Chan from her body pillow (which she couldn't pack with her and had to leave at home). "Oh yes please mommy--UGHn FUCK!" She began to choke again. The babe ran up to her to help "No," she coughed, "I'm fine, just lead me to the nurse's office." If she kept meeting more babes she'd end up dead."Of course." Replied the booby babe, beginning to walk out. Cadence followed behind while still coughing.

 "By the way," Cadence spoke between coughs, "I don't want to find myself hitting my head against a sink again, so hi, I'm Cadence Wont the ultimate... ultimate, uh..."

"Are you okay? Did you hit yourself hard enough to forget your own talent?" Asked the girl.

"Looks like it..." Cadence rubbed her head, noticing how much it hurt after everything she'd gone through.

"Well, we'll get to that later. Here we are." The female stood in front of the door of the nurse's office.

"Ah, thank you--uh..."

"Oh right, I'm Celestia Ludenberg the ultimate gambler."

Cadence, if you're truly my bro you'll stick around 'till the end of my shit writing. Please bro, I chose writing this over that ELA assignment.

Ishimawu Tawka-Kyun x Wreader x Cewestia Wudenbuwg-ChanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz