Chapter 22

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The men stopped instantly, rifles held at their side.

Make ready!

They swung one hand around and slapped the body of the rifle before pushing it up and holding it in the air, one hand on the body and the other on the trigger.


They took their rifles and aimed, stock against their shoulders. 


They all pulled the trigger, and smoke came out of the barrel in a line. 

At ease.

They all lowered the rifles and you went in front of them.

That's all for today, remember the drill.

They all slowly scattered back inside to do their work, you soon followed and met with your dad in his office.

Dad "Y/n, good to see you. Still at work with the drills?"

You plopped into the seat across from him.

Yeah, i want to make sure they're perfect for when it's actually time to perform.

The only reason they had agreed to help you was because they had family or family friends who were working at the festival. 

Dad "Wait, shouldn't you be helping your friends with the festival?"

Naw, I'm supposed to be making my own surprise and pitch in when they need it, you ready to go home?

Dad "Sure am, I got to get ready for my event tonight."

You both stood up and he locked his office door. You both were walking down the police station halls, heading to the main door.

So where are you going tonight?

Dad "That'll have to wait mister, don't want to spoil the surprise."

Surprise? What surprise?

Dad "Exactly. No more questions."

Wait, don't tell me you got a date?

Dad "Well, so much for the no more questions part."

Wait, really?

You stopped and he just looked at you with a smile on his face.

Holy shit, you actually caught someone's attention? I never thought it would happen.

Dad "Ow, that hurt."

You both just walked in silence and went down to the garage where your dad got into his jeep wrangler and drove home. When you were coming down one of the last corners you saw Ryuuji and Taiga walking.

Dad "Those your friends?"


You leaned out the window and your dad stopped the truck right next to them.

Hey Ryuuji, Taiga.

Ryuuji "Hey Y/n."

Taiga was looking ahead and there was a car with it's blinkers on.

Who's car is that?

Taiga "Oh jeez, it's my dad and he's here early. Now i don't have anytime to change out of these clothes. "

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