"Who are you?" Percy asked curiously. "And what are you doing on the Potter estate?"

"See Liekos?" One of the men snapped. "I told you it was private land."

Another man grunted. He was the tallest of the lot, with a lot of bulky muscle and an almost overbearing aura of authority. "We're werewolves. We're here because of the full moon last night. Since we don't have territory to call our own, we tend to travel around a lot. I apologise for our trespassing onto Potter Land last night."

"Oh, that's fine." Percy waved off Liekos' excuse cheerfully much to the werewolves' surprise. "Our Uncle Moony is a werewolf too. Our fa-"

Percy cut off, and looked down at his feet. When he looked up, his eyes had shifted colour again, returning to the emerald that they had been when they woke up.

"James and Uncle Padfoot use their animagus forms to make his 'furry little problem' seem less stressful and to keep him company. I'm sure James will understand if you wish to stay here for a few more days to rebuild your strength. Either way, I won't tell him you were here if you prefer." Harry continued from Percy, ignoring the strange looks he was receiving from the werewolves.

"You and your father don't get along an awful much, is that is?" The first werewolf to speak asked, his voice low and comforting.

"No." Harry shook his head. "It's not that. It's just that… well, when your brother is Charles Potter it's impossible to even appear semi-perfect in your parents' eyes, no matter how hard you might try."

"Charles Potter has a brother?" It was the shortest of the wolves that spoke next, tilting his head. Harry smiled at the movement before a sad look replaced it.

"Oh I'm not just his brother." Harry said in a quiet voice. "I'm his twin."

Before the werewolves could ask any more questions the Naiads intervened, stepping between them. "Enough questions. I believe our young lords are required back at the house by now. Your brother is considering coming in after you."

The last part of their warning was directed at Harry and Percy, who nodded absent-mindedly. "Indeed, I can imagine him doing that. Somehow, however, I can't see the centaurs being too happy with him entering the woods… Good day, sirs. I hope we meet again sometime."

"Wait!" Liekos called as they turned to leave. Harry looked back over his shoulder, raising one eyebrow questioningly. "May we have you name? And why do they call you young lords?"

"We are Harry and Percy Potter. As for why they call us young lords… you know, we've never actually asked. We always assumed it was something with James being Lord Potter." Harry explained, an unconcerned smile on his lips. "Don't question so much. Everything makes so much more sense if you just accept the most obvious reason to be the right one."

With that wise word of advice Harry began the slow trek back through the forest. He dawdled a little, not wanting to leave the cool shade of the trees and the delightful company of the nymphs and faeries.

Sure enough, Charles trying to fight his way through the thick forest of thick twigs and branches to get into the woods when Harry reached the edge of the trees. The same wooden fingers that had drawn him into the woods were now clinging to his clothes in an attempt to keep Harry and Percy inside the magical woodland.


Sea-green fought with emerald as Percy addressed their brother. Eventually their eye colour settled on something in between as they shared control. They ran forward and embraced their brother, hugging him tightly. Charles laughed and hugged him back.

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