ice (Avengers x Reader)

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A/N *some language*

The people in the aircraft were silent apart from a man dressed in stars and red and blue, with a large, round shield strapped to his back and soft, brown leather gloves on his hands even though the craft was well insulated from the harsh winds outside, making the aircraft rock slightly. Seven people were sitting side by side on a long bench at the back, listening to the orders their captain was telling them.
"We don't take any prisoners. And make sure that when you install the bomb, you tell us five minutes before that so the others have enough time to escape." Steve said, addressing Vision about the bomb he would be in charge of.
Vision nodded slowly and deliberately.
A man dressed a pair of jeans and a black shirt with a cat on it sighed and got up, "looks like Cap is pretty stressed out." He grinned cheekily as Steve scowled, "what's got you so wound up?"
"This is the biggest HYDRA Base we know of. It contains so much information on the organisation..." Steve replied, coolly, not letting Tony Stark get on his nerves.
Tony clasped his shoulder, "don't worry, capsicle, we got this. Easy in and out."
"Stop making every damn thing a joke, Tony," Steve growled, his jaw tightening.
"Language." Tony reprimanded him, "once we get home, you owe the jar five bucks."
Clint smiled quietly for a brief second before falling back into his expressionless look.
The craft jolted and landed on rocky terrain, sliding slightly in mud.
Tony lifted a hand and bits of flying metal swept in, attaching themselves onto him and creating a metal armour suit around him. As his helmet descended and masked his face, the door opened and he flew out, checking the perimeter.
There weren't any guard out on posts...
"Guys...some thing's wrong..." his voice came out through the earpieces they all wore, "no guards."
Bucky mused, "that's weird...they always had someone stationed outside the area."
They all left the aircraft and made their way to the Base, cautiously and carefully.
Steve entered first and he immediately noticed the floor, soaked in water, almost like the remnants of a flood. As his feet sloshed in the ankle-high water, he saw a body of an agent, collapsed on the floor with an eerie look about him. As Steve approached him, he saw with disgust that the water in this man's human body and been completely drained, his skin was flaky and stuck to his skull, his eyes were shrivelled up, as was most of him. The others followed up behind him and saw with horror at the sight. As they looked around them, they saw more bodies in exactly the same condition.
"What the fuck..." whispered Bucky, his eyes darting back and forth between two bodies leaning on the walls.
"Jesus" Clint muttered, his bow drawn and ready to shoot.
The entire team was on edge.
"Let's head for the main area, where they stored their information," Steve suggested, wanting to get this over and done with, he had a nasty feeling on his gut.
They spend ten minutes trying to find it until Tony suggested they look for a hidden door.
As they entered the room, they saw a figure standing over a computer as if waiting.
After two seconds, they pulled something out of the side and pocketed it.

"Hey!" Steve yelled, annoyed that months of planning had completely derailed over one person.

They turned around and the Avengers realised that it was a woman.

"Wait..." Natasha stepped forward, squinting as she recalled a memory, "I've seen you somewhere before."

The woman smirked and patted her chest, where she had placed the USB stick, "I'm sure you have."

"Who are you?" Vision asked, "I can't get any I.D. match."

"Does it matter?" The woman shrugged, "You can go back to your tower, observing the world and thinking you did good, your work here is done."

"We want the stick," Wanda demanded, her hands glinting as a wispy, smoke-like red light began to seep through her fingertips.

"You won't need it." She flipped her hair on one side and faced away, clenching and unclenching her hands.

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