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One week after the snap Hazel was in front of the graves of her family members. Each grave had different color flowers for each person.

There was an idea,

"Hey, guys. It's been a week. Everyone's trying to come up with a plan to kill Thanos and reverse the snap."

to bring together a group of 

"It's been hard. For the first five days, everyone cried. I'll admit I did too," Hazel chuckled.

remarkable people,

"Pete, Tony, and Steve miss you. Pietro, Wanda, Clint misses you guys. T'Challa, Shuri misses you. Pops, Dad, Stephen, I miss you guys so much."

see if they could become something more.

"I promise to try and bring you back."

See if they could

"I can hear you guys telling me 'no' but I'm going to ignore you. I'm not going to stop planing to bring you guys back. I failed at helping everyone else on Titan defeat Thanos."

work together when we 

"I WILL bring you guys back or my name isn't Hazel Ava Marie Barnes."

needed them to fight the battles we never could.

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