Chapter 2

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(One month later)

Hazel has been staying with Savannah and Derek for one month and has one week left to leave and meet her soulmate. They've been writing a lot for the past two weeks.

Hey Ava.

Hey Stephen.

So when do you leave?

I'm leaving Quantico today. I'll probably take a train.

How long is the train ride?

5 maybe 6 hours.

Will you still write to me?

I will once I know I'm close to New York City.

Okay. Bye Ava.

Bye Stephen.

Hazel put the pen in her bag, grabbed it, and walked down the stairs to the kitchen where Savannah and Derek were talking.

"Hey. Can I talk to you to real quick," Hazel asked.

"Sure. How quick can you talk? I wanted to take you to the office to meet my co-workers," Derek said.

"Quick. First, I wanted to thank you two for letting me stay here. I know it probably wasn't easy on your part. Second, I'm leaving. I'm gonna go meet my soulmate. I'm gonna try and catch a train at three. It's gonna be hard for me to leave you guys since I've become so close to you but I know I need to go," Hazel said.

"Hazel that's fine with us. Sooner or later you would go have to meet your soulmate. Just be safe," Savannah said.

"On top of that," Derek walked over to an open drawer, pulled out a phone box, and handed it to Hazel, "It's for you. Already activated. Mine and Savannah's numbers are already there. We're gonna miss you Hazel but don't hesitate to call us. For anything."

"I promise to call. Shouldn't we go meet your co-workers?"

Derek laughed and nodded his head. Hazel grabbed her bag that had everything in it and followed them out the door. The drive was full of laughter and memories from the past two weeks. When Derek pulled into Quantico everyone got out of the car and walked into the building.

"Hazel you okay," Derek asked.

"I'm fine. Just nervous. Not for meeting your co-workers but for going to meet my soulmate soon."

"Just breathe. You'll fine. For both."

Once they arrived where Derek wanted them to be Hazel hid behind him and took some deep breaths. Derek led them to the conference room and walked in. Savannah smiled at everyone so it was clear she knew them.

"Guys this is Hazel. The girl Savannah and I took in. Hazel this is Aaron, Spencer, David, Emily, JJ, and Penelope," Derek introduced.

Hazel waved shyly at everyone wanting to run and hide. David was the first to say hi then everyone else. By the time it was 1:30 pm Hazel had helped solve ten cold cases, made friends with everyone and had their numbers in her phone, and had gotten credentials so she wouldn't have to use a visitor badge (Thanks Hotch).

"Derek one hour and thirty minutes," Hazel said.

Everyone looked at her confused. What did she mean?

"Um, Hazel what do you mean," Spencer asked.

"I'm going to meet my soulmate. I'm heading to New York City. Even if I have my license I'll have to go by train. I'm leaving in an hour and thirty minutes," Hazel explained.

Aaron looked at Hazel and shook his head. There was no way he was going to let her, a probable 17-year old, take a train to New York by herself.

"Yeah not gonna happen. I got one better," Aaron said.

He walked out of the room then came back with a set of keys. He tossed them to Hazel who caught them and looked at him.

"The BAU has tons of cars. Those keys are to one of the undercover cars that we don't use anymore. There's no way I'm letting you take a train by yourself," Aaron said.

When it was five minutes till 3 Hazel grabbed her bag and Aaron showed her the car she would take. She put her bag in the trunk of the SVU and looked at everyone. They looked at each other and each person handed Hazel $500. Penelope also handed her an encrypted laptop to help out on cases when they call, to play games, or to do a background check on her soulmate.

"Thank you, guys. Savannah and Derek I thank you guys the most. I'll call or face time or message just to check in. I told myself two weeks ago that I would only stay with Savannah and Derek for three days. Three days. And that I also wouldn't get attached but I did. Normally I would call myself stupid for doing that but this time I'm glad I got attached. Call me if you need help. On anything. School doesn't matter to me cause when I was taken I got homeschooled. But I mean it. Call for--"

Hazel got cut off by Derek.

"Hazel if you don't get in that car and go meet your soulmate I will make you get in the car."

"Alright alright. But really call me."


"Okay. Bye guys. Call me."

Hazel got in the car and started it. She looked at everyone and waved goodbye as she pulled out of the parking lot. After three hours of driving, she pulled into a dinner. Walking into the place it smelled like fried food from a carnival. The only way Hazel knew what food from a carnival smelled like was because one time Bucky had to take a mission he took her with not wanting to leave her with HYDRA. When the mission was over Bucky still had two days left so he took Hazel to the carnival. She sat on a booth and pulled out a pen while looking at the menu.

"Hello Ma'am. What can I get for you today?"

"Can I get the chicken sandwich with a side order of fries and a coke to drink to go?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

Hey Stephen. Just stopped at a dinner outside of Quantico after three hours of driving. Probably gonna get some food and find a hotel to stay the night before I get back on the road in the morning.

What time is it where you are?

6:09 pm. How about you?

6:09 pm.

I guess Quantico and New York City are in the same time zone. My foods being called. I'll write when I'm at the hotel. I know I know. Stay safe.

Funny you knew I was going to say that. Write once you're at the hotel.

I will. Bye Stephen.

Bye Ava.

Hazel walked up to the counter, gave the man behind the register a $20 bill, told him to keep the change, grabbed her bag of food and drink, and walked out to her car. Starting the car she drove for five minutes before pulling into a hotel parking lot. She turned off the car and walked to the front desk with the bag of her things. Her bag of food inside her bag.

"Do you have a room with a single bed?"

"Yes, I do. How long are you staying?"

"Just the night."

The person behind the desk handed her the key to the room and she handed the person ten dollars. She walked to the room, unlocked it, walked inside, placed her bag on the table, and took out the food she bought. When she was done eating she changed her clothes and laid on the bed. As Hazel fell asleep she had forgotten to write back to Stephen and didn't notice the writing on her arm.

My soulmate (Strange)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora