Chapter 19

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"At the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then...Boom. The big bang sent six elemental crystals...hunting across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence. Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind," Wong said.

"And time," Stephen said opening the Eye of Agamotto showing a bright green stone.

"Tell me his name again," Tony said.

"Thanos," Bruce said.

Once the name left Bruce's mouth Hazel had another premonition.

Thanos was the big purple guy. Thor was on his ship when he attacked. He killed Loki and left Thor to die.

Then it was different. The scene changed. Everything looked different.

Thor flew at Thanos and stabbed his chest with his ax. Thanos' breathing went ragged for a second before he looked at his hand.

The purple stone was the only thing Hazel could see.

"You should have aimed for the head," Thanos said.

He raised his left hand and snapped his fingers before he disappeared.

Hazel opened her eyes and took a deep breath gasping for air.

"Hazel. Hazel, you need to breathe. Take nice long deep breaths. That's it, Hazel. There you go. Just keep breathing," Tony said.

"Bruce. Thanos is he big? Purple skin? Glove on his left hand with a purple stone on his knuckle of his pointer finger," Hazel asked.

"Yeah. Even Hulk couldn't take him on," Bruce said. 

Just as Hazel was about to say something she felt the wind against her skin making her shiver.

"Stephen are you using mystic arts to make a draft," Hazel asked.

"Not at moment no," Stephen said.

Hazel and Tony walked out of the Sanctum only to see people running. They put on their matching sunglasses as the walked down the street.

"FRIDAY what are Hazel and I looking at," Tony asked.

Not sure. I'm working on it.

They continued to walk down the street helping up people who have fallen when a car crashed into a light pole. Bruce and Wong ran to the car to help the person while Stephen followed Hazel and Tony.

"Hey you might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket," Tony shouts.

"Might wanna use it," Stephen said.

Hazel was about to help someone up when Tony pulled out of the way of a flying tent.

"Thanks," Hazel said.

Tony nodded his head and followed her to the middle of the street.

"FRIDAY, evac everyone south of 43rd Street. Notify first responders," Hazel said.

She and Stephen used their sling rings to move the dust and see what was there. As soon as the dust cleared two people came down from the ship. Hazel quickly used her sling rings to change into her battle outfit.

"Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful that your meaningless lives are now contributing..."

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here," Tony interrupted.

"Stonekeeper. Does this chattering animal speak for you?" 

"Certainly not. I speak for myself," Stephen said.

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