Chapter 1: Comatose

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I ran to Rachel's house and knocked on the door, even if there was no car in the driveway. Of course, no one answered. So I called Rae. "C'mon Rae, answer" All I could hear was the ringing.

"Hi, it's Rachel. I cannot answer your call right now so call me later... or never"

I started to panic even more. "Tell me you're alright"

I sat on the porch and waited for her until I fell asleep. When I woke up, I saw a reporter talking in front of the Roth's house. The cameraman saw me wake up and told it to the blond woman. She was wearing glasses, had brown eyes and her hair was in a ponytail. The woman ran to me with her microphone in hand and the man following her. "Hello young boy, could we interview you please, it's about the Roths" My green eyes widened. I stood up.

"What about them?" Her and the brown haired man stared at each other with shock and sadness in their wide eyes.

The girl gulped and hesitantly came closer to me, with the mic that she was holding with her two hands this time. "You still don't know..." I was so f****** scared. Did something happened to my Rae? Was she okay? I didn't know, but I knew that I didn't want to know. I shook my head and the blond reporter placed one of her hands over her mouth as she kept on glancing at the camera and the man holding it. She took a deep breath and held the microphone with her two hands again. "They had... T-They had a-an accident"

I murmured. "n-no" All I wanted to do was cry my heart out. This girl was all I had. Okay I had other friends and all but she was my world. The reason I was alive. My angel who made sure that I wouldn't cry or even be sad, the one who would always make me smile when she laughed or made a sarcastic remark. Rach was and is, the only light in my life, she was my sunshine whenever it was cold. The light in the darkness and of course, the one who made me feel loved and understood, the love of my life.

"They were three in the car and..." I shut my eyes close, waiting for the bullet to hit me and die, but the shock never came. What the woman said wasn't what I was waiting for at all. "2 persons are dead in it. The only survivor is a girl that would be named Rachel Roth if I'm correct"

"Where is she?" My debits was really fast, but she still understood me.

The brown eyed woman made a line with her lips. "She is in the hospital bu-" I ran to Jump City's hospital as fast I could. I knew that I should've let her finish, but all I was thinking about was seeing Rae alive and completely fine with no injuries, something that wasn't possible with what happened to Tristan and Angela.

When I arrived, I ran to the reception. "I need to see Rachel Roth" The red haired girl handed me a paper and a pen.

"You'll have to answer these questions mister... are you part of the family?" The girl wasn't even looking at me, she was just doing her things on the old computer.

I was going to say that I was her boyfriend, but I remembered what happened in a movie I watched with Rae. The title was 'If I Stay'. It was about a girl named Mia, she had boyfriend and all, but one day, when her, her parents and lil brother were going to a sort of spectacle, they had a car accident and Mia was in a coma, but when her boyfriend came to the hospital, at the beginning they really didn't want to let him see her.

That's why I decided to say that I was her cousin, I thought that if she was having an operation or something I would have more chances to see her if I pretended to be a member of her family. "I'm her cousin, we're really close and I don't want her to get hurt... please I need to see her"

The teenager sighed and finally looked at me. She had freckles on her cheeks and she had beautiful silver eyes with a hint of blue inside it. "Name" I glanced at her name tag. Her name was Monika F. Cooper.

'Wait, a name!?! What's her cousin's name again... oh I know' I thought. "My name's Morgan Ray Roth now can I see her?" Monika looked through Rachel's file.

The red head sighed in annoyance. "Room 303" I ran to the third floor and to the third door only to be stopped by a doctor as I looked at my Rae by the window in the room.

"I'm sorry mister, but nobody can see this patient other than the members of the family so go back to your little cameraman and find something else to talk about on your stupid YouTube channel" I was really confused. 'What the hell just happened?'. Rachel was the only thing I could think about so I ignored how dumb the doctor was and told him I was her "cousin". "Oh you may enter but don't shake her or anything, she is still recovering" I nodded in understanding and entered her room.

There was another doctor inside. He had a tanned skin and dark brown hair and eyes. He was looking at his files and at how his patient was doing. I ran to the bedside and stared at Rae. The doctor's name was Giacomo Albin. He came beside me and patted my back. "I have a bad news for you mister... Rachel Roth is in a comatose and we're not sure when she'll wake up or even if she'll wake up at all" I felt the tears run down my cheeks. I didn't and I don't wanna loose her. At that moment I would have loved to have her standing there, next to me and hugging me to calm me down, telling me that everything would be okay and that nothing bad would happen, but she wasn't.
'I might loose her forever'

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