Chapter 8

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Tom's pov

I watch her come on stage in the most adorable little white dress, she smiles as they introduce her and what she is being auctioned off for and just in a matter of seconds the bedding begins.

"So your just gonna let this happen?" Asked Evans, I shrug. "I don't know anything about her, she is a big girl, She can make her own choices." I say watching the auction go on.

When in reality I wanted to go on that stage, grab her and spank her for even thinking thus was okay.

"Tom are you really going to let this continue?"

"Yes Robert, now shut it!"

I say harshly, the price for her got higher and higher and I couldn't take it, maybe I should start beddi-.

"Twenty million dollars." My eyes widened and I turn to my right filled with rage from within me. "What do you think your doing Downey!" I basically growled out at him.

"Doing something that you're too chicken to do Hiddleston."

"Sold for twenty million dollars to the man in the blue." Downey smiles at me and stands up, I look back at the stage and see that Rebecca is gone, I sigh rubbing my eyes.

"Sir if you come with me this way, you can meet your little."

Before he could start walking, I get up grabbing his arm. "You are not going to take her, she is mine." I say towering him, he just smirked turning to follow the man.

The other two follow Downey down the hall, I sigh fixing my suit and follow them. We stop at her door, letting the guard knock.

"Come in!"

The guard opened the door and leaves,  leaving us to let ourselves in, I couldn't help but slam the door, making her turn around with wide eyes.

"Hello princess."

Rebecca's pov

I bite my bottom lip and play with my hands. "H-hi."

I say softly, I look up to see a stern look on Tom's face. I felt small and my legs began to shake.

"Hey it's okay we're not gonna hurt you, isn't that right Tom? " The shorter man, well shorter than Tom, says looking at him.

Tom sighs and looks at me. "Right, I won't hurt you princess…. I promise."

After he said that I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I fix myself and turn away from them to look in the mirror, acting like I was fixing my makeup.

"So I'm assuming that you bedded on me." I say looking at him through the mirror, a little hopeful.

"No actually, I did." I look at the other man puzzled.

"Oh." I look back at Tom a little hurt that it wasn't him. "Does this bother you?"

"No, I mean...I just thought that..." Losing my words I keep my gaze on Tom who looks pretty pissed off at the moment, why is he so mad! He had his chance!

I narrow my eyes at him coming up with an idea. I look back to the shorter man and smile.

"Do you have a name, or do you just want to be called Daddy all week?"

I say smirking at Tom, his face was so red he could be the Kool-aid man.

The other man smiles and sits down on the sofa. "My name is Robert Downey jr." He says proudly. I push my luck and walk over to sit on his lap, knowing what I was doing to piss off Tom even more.

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