Chapter 7

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Tom's pov

We walk in and I start looking for Rebecca but my search is immediately stopped by the one and only Ace.

"Well Daddy, looks like you brought some friends for us to play with." He smirks, looking at Evans. Evans laughs awkwardly and clears his throat.

"Now I know the big one their likes to be called Master but these two, do they have Dom names I should know about?" He says never taking his eyes off Evans.

I look back at them and think, Robert could be a Switch and I don't really know about Evans. I shrug and turn back to Ace.

"Just call them Daddies for now, besides I don't think they will be returning anytime soon after thus." He nodded walking away.

"That Ace guy is a little….odd." Evans says looking at him, I chuckle and smile. "You have no idea."

"Daddy Hiddleston and Master Hemsworth, has a nice ring to them." Robert says laughing.

"So Tom where is thus girl?"

"I don't know, maybe she doesnt work tonight but then again Ace says she always here."

"Hey what's up there??" I look up at where Robert was pointing and see that the stage is covered in white.

"I don't know let's find out."

I say walking over, as we get closer I can see a small amount of the club is blocked off with ropes. We stop at what I think is the entryway, standing by it was a little with a clipboard.

"Hi my name is Kitty. Are you Daddies and Master here for the auction??" She asked happily handing me a couple of papers. “On the papers you can see these are all the littles and a few brats that are being auctioned off today.”

“Is this legal?” Ask Robert, concern within his voice. Kitty just smiled.  “Yes trust me, we’ve been doing this for quite a while.”

As Kitty goes on to explain it to everyone, I zone out looking at all the littles on the papers hoping not to see Rebecca on them, as I'm about to take a breath of relief I see her picture on the second page.

My heart stops for a moment. Thus has to be wrong, why would she do this all of a sudden? “Excuse me, I don’t think she is supposed to be on this list, this has to be a mistake?”

Kitty looks at me confused and then looks at where I was pointing. “Nope that’s right, she got tired of waiting for someone that never even asked her to wait.” She says glaring at me. Now it was me who looked confused.

 “What are you implying?”

“What i'm implying is she was excited about someone who ended up just leading her on that night, so I encouraged her to be in the auction. Now, are you gentleman gonna sign up or not??
Rebecca’s pov

I fix my little white dress and giggle to myself. “I look cute.” I say twirling around. Kitty comes up from behind me and laughs.

Girl you look so cute!!  I smile and thank her. "You ready?" She asked me.

"Well there's no backing out now." I say with an eye roll, she smiles and grabs my hand taking me out of my dressing room.

We head to the side of the stage and wait for the auction to begin.


"Sold for thirteen hundred dollars!!" As Kitty is escorted off stage, I walk on. I fix my dress and smile pretty just like Kitty told me to do.

"Alrighty up next is Princess, she is being auctioned off for a week, there is no sexual activities but we will pay for all the dates you decide to take her on during the week, so let's start the bidding at five hundred."

I see a hand go up and smile, will at least I'm worth five hundred. "Okay can I get six hundred?" I see another hand goes up, as Ace's price got higher, more hands did as well.

It started going on for a while and my feet began to hurt making me let out a small whine, that got a few aw's from the audience which led to the price going even higher. Till finally someone yelled. "Twenty million dollars." Making my eyes widened.

"Going once, going twice, sold for twenty million dollars to the man in the blue." I smile as I'm being escorted out, wow that's a lot of money. I go to my dressing room and get out of my white dress and into something more sexy, I can't wait to meet him.

I hear a knock on the door and shout back for who ever it is to come in.

I wonder what he looks like? Well he be nice or mean...I don't want him to be. All of a sudden the door slams and I turn around quickly with my eyes widen.

I see two new faces but also two familiar faces. I didn't think I would see him again. Did he paid all that money for me? What is he doing here!!

"Hello Princess."

Hey guys I am now 19 and have a summer, so maybe I can write and finally relax. So yeah, give your Sis a comment and don't forget to vote. Stay happy, Love Tallmamma21 ❤❤

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