I glare at her. She just wants to listen to the conversation, even if she can only hear one side of it.

"Alex! He can leave if he wants to!" Kara says.

"It's fine, Kara." I tell her, giving her a smile.

I sigh and answer the phone.

"Hello sir." I say while the others start snickering.

"Hey Dick. Glad to hear that you and my cousin are getting along so well." Clark says.

That's an understatement.

"I'm assuming by the news that you two are together?" Clark asks me.

"Yes sir." I say.

"Well that's great! If you ever hurt her, I'll throw you into space. Got it?" He tells me.

"I expected nothing less." I tell him.

"Well, that's good. Now should we go over some ground rules? Or do you remember them?" He asks me.

"Yes, I remember the rules for dating your cousin." I say.

Everybody but Mon-El starts laughing at that.

"Well, why don't you repeat them, so I know we're on the same page?" Clark asks me, while not really asking me.

"1. No touching or kissing her in front of you.

2. I can only look at her from the neck up in front of you.

3. If I make her cry, then you'll make me cry.

4. Always be afraid of you.

(I got all the rules from an article called "10 Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter." I thought it was super funny.)

"If I break any of these rules, you'll be free to deal with me how you see fit." I say with everyone around me laughing and Kara looking annoyed and slapping her forehead.

"Alright that's enough. Give me the phone." Kara says to me.

I give her the phone and she starts talking to Clark.

"Seriously, what the hell? Is this what you did to him the first time we started dating?"

Since I'm close to the phone, I can hear Clark start to laugh and tell her he did.

"I wasn't done with him yet, Kara. Give the phone back to him, or I'm coming down there." Clark says.

Oh great.

"No, you aren't coming down here!" Kara says, irritated.

'It's fine Kara, just give me the phone, please."

She sighs and finally relents.

Clark tells me about the other rules he made up and should I not follow them, I'll be in deep trouble.

"Yes, I understand. Goodbye sir." I say then hang up.

I look up at Alex and the woman to see them looking at Kara and me while snickering.

"I feel deeply betrayed, Alex. I snuck a Batarang out of the Batcave and gave it to you when were younger, and this is how you repay me?" I ask feigning being hurt.

"You only did it because you liked Kara." She says.

"True." I say with a smirk.

Kara just laughs and rolls her eyes.

"I can't believe he did that to you when we first started dating. You were what 15?" Kara asks me.

"No, that's just when he found out." I remind her.

The girl from Krypton and the boy from GothamWhere stories live. Discover now