I laugh and she flies us to the DEO.

We land at the DEO and Alex looks at me and immediately smiles.

"Alex. How are you?" I ask her, coming up to her and giving her a hug.

"I'm good! What are you doing here?" She asks me suspiciously but still smiling.

"I came to visit Kara." I reply while turning my head to look over at the blonde-headed heroine.

"Ok then." Alex says, still suspicious.

"Alex, what do we have?" Kara asks her.

"A bomb threat at a middle school, just turned real. We traced two bombs to the building. You two have to find them." Alex says.

"Let's go!" Kara says.

She flies us to the school and we land in front of it.

"Alex, do you think the suspect is still inside?" I ask her.

"We just heard a 911 call from the school! The teacher said that he doesn't think there are any suspects in the building. He says that there's a fire and the classroom door is locked from the outside! All the other students and staff have evacuated the building. Hurry!" Alex tells us.

"Alright Supergirl, you stop the fire and rescue the people stuck in there. I'll disable the bombs.

"Got it!" Kara says while squinting. Probably using her x-ray vision to find the fire, the classroom, and the bombs.

"Alright there's a bomb in the girl's bathroom on the first floor and a bomb in the second classroom to the left on the second floor." She tells me.

She flies off as I take off to disable the bombs.

I rush into the girl's bathroom and disable the bomb with ease.

I rush up to the second floor to find Kara superspeeding people out of the classroom.

I find the second bomb and find it filled with green stuff. Kryptonite!

"Oh shit!" I say.

"What? What is it? I just finished getting everyone out. I'm on my way!" Kara tells me.

"No Kara don't-" Before I can finish my sentence, she's right next to me.

She suddenly crouches down. She looks up at me, with the veins in her face glowing a sickly green.

It breaks my heart to see her in pain.

"Supergirl, get out of here!" I yell.

"Not without you!" She yells back.

"There's 30 seconds left! I'll never be able to disable it in time!" I say with fear laced in my voice.

"Then I'll fly it up and throw it in the sky!"

"Kara, no!" I shout, but it's too late. She's already gone. I rush to the now broken window and watch as the woman I love struggles to fly up and throw the bomb.

I see her finally throw the bomb into the air and a second later, it goes off.

"Supergirl!" I yell as she is free falling towards the ground.

I get out my grappling hook and jump out the window right as Kara is going by. I catch her and shoot my grappling hook to a nearby tree.

Once we're safely on the ground, I lay her down with her head in my lap.

"No! Wake up!" I say with tears pooling in my eyes.

I never cry. Only when my family died and when Kori left me.

The girl from Krypton and the boy from GothamWhere stories live. Discover now