"Mr and Mrs Styles, there have been some complications."


Gabe's POV

I've been worried sick about mum, dad, and my new little sister Harper. Chloe, Colin, and Annie haven't been understanding why mum and dad aren't here so grandmum and I are a little stressed trying to take care of them.

Somehow we got Annie and Colin down for their naps, Chloe wasn't really needing them anymore, only if she's been out a lot.

Since the house was quiet for the first time since mum went to the hospital almost a week ago I went up to my room and flopped face first into my bed.

The quiet didn't last for long as my stupid phone started ringing. "Hello?" I asked not checking the caller ID.

"Gabe? Is that you?" I heard Kat ask.

"Yeah it's me, what's up?" I asked her.

"Not much, I was wondering if you would like to hang out or something?"

"Umm, yeah I want too, but I'll have to ask my Grandmum."

"Where are you parents?" she asked.

"They're at the hospital, my mum had my baby sister early."

"Gabe I'm so sorry I didn't know."

"It's okay, hang on, I'll go ask my Grandmum."

I walked into the sitting room and said, "Grandmum, can I go out with a friend?"

"Gabe, I can't drive you right now though, Annie and Colin will wake up before long and I don't want to take all the kids out." she said tiredly.

"Can't I have Marcus or Joe drive me?" I asked referring to two of the security guards that dad hired before he left.

"Sure sweetheart, be back before nine okay?"

"Okay, bye." I said.

I put the phone back up to my ear and said, "I can go, why don't I pick you up and then we can go get some coffee or something." I said then quickly added, "If you like coffee."

"Yeah, I like coffee. I'll text you my address, okay?" she asked and I knew she was smiling.

"Okay I'll see you in a little bit." smiling I hung up the phone.

I walked into my closet and pulled on some jeans, Vans, a white T-shirt, and a brown jacket as it was an unusually chilly day for the end of August in London.

I made sure I had my phone and my wallet and then went downstairs. Dad had made an office for the security guards right off the entrance hall so I went in and said, "I need a ride to pick up a friend and then go for coffee."

"I'll take you." Marcus said.

"Thank you." I replied and we walked outside to the black Range Rover with the tented windows.

I read off last address to Marcus and he drove to her house. I was somewhat surprised to see that see lived in the same neighborhood as me but I guess I should have expected that when we ran into each other near here.

I walked up to her door and rung the bell. She opened the door and smiled at me. "Hi." she said.

"Hey." I replied.

"You ready to go?" I asked her.


I led the way back to the car and opened the door for her. "Starbucks?" Marcus asked me.

"Yes." I told him.

"What school are you going to?" Kat asked me.

"Westminster, you?"

"I'm going to Westminster too." she said.

"I can't believe school starts in a week." I said.

"Yeah, part of me is dreading it but part of me is really excited."

"I haven't been to a proper school in ages I'm a little nervous." I admitted.

"Why not?" Kat asked me confused.

"After my mum died I was on the streets for a few months, then in the orphanage, the right before summer started I was adopted so I haven't gone to a real school in over a year."

"Oh well don't worry, you'll do great, I'll be right there tos chow you the ropes."

"Thanks." I smiled at her.

"I'll wait out here Mr.Gabe." Marcus said stoping the car at Starbucks.

"Mr.Gabe?" Kat asked after I closed the car door.

"Yeah, he works for my family so I guess I'm kinda his boss." I said.

We went into Starbucks and we both order when she reached into her pocket to get money.

"No I got it." I said pulling out my wallet and swiping my credit card.

"Gabe let me but my own." Kat whined.

"It's fine Kat, don't worry about it." I said and she mumbled a fine.

We sat down and then she suggested we play twenty questions.

"Okay, what's your favorite color?" I asked.

"Orange. What's your favorite food?"

"Umm, waffles. What's your favorite song?"

"It's actually Happily by your dad and your uncles."

"Really? I didn't know you were a fan."

"Yeah, I didn't want to be all up in your face about your dad though." she said and I laughed.

"Your turn."

"What do you want to do after school?"

"I'm not sure, I know I want it to be something with music. I used to think that I wanted to be a singer, but after seeing what dad goes through all the time I think I just want to be a songwriter instead."

I saw Kat about to respond when a girl said, "Oh my gosh, you're Harry Styles' son!"

I internally sighed but I stood up to face the girl and she said, "Can I get a picture?"

"Sure love." I said putting my best smile on.

She pulled out her smartphone and she snapped a selfie of us and then asked me to sign her phone case. I obliged and then she thankfully left.

When I sat down again Kat was trying her best not to laugh. "What's so funny?" I asked and she lost it.

"You completely sounded like your dad."

"I did not." I said.

"Yes you did." she continued to laugh.

I took this moment to look at Kat and realize how beautiful my new best friend was.

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