"No, Jade, this isn't your fault"

"It is! I chose this life and I don't know what to do anymore! I love my job and my fans, but I also love my family. And I need my family!"

"I-I don't know how to help you...I'm sorry. Maybe you two could facetime...I don't know"

"It's okay Sam...I'm going to call her"

I dialed our home number and waited for Perrie to pick up the phone.

Emily: Hello?

Jade: Em? Hi!

Emily: Mommy! How are you? I miss you...

Jade: I'm fine and I miss you more...Tell mommy I'll be home in two days.

Emily: Can't wait to see you then!

Jade: Me too, baby, me too. How was your first day at school?

Emily: It was amazing! Darcy goes to the same school as me and so does Georgia.

Jade: Told you. And how's Georgia and Darcy?

Emily: Darcy will come for a sleepover tonight and Georgia is fine but I didn't talk with her at all these days but mom is going out with her moms tonight.

Jade: Aw, that's nice! I have to go now. Tell mom, Cat, JJ and Lesy that I love them. Be a good girl, I love you.

Emily: Okay mom, bye love you too!

I smiled and ended the call with my daughter. It's crazy how quickly time has passed. I remember when I propsed to Perrie and she said yes. It was one of the best days of my life... I still remember the day Perrie and I got married. And when Leigh and Jesy got married. And when we adopted our first child. And when Niall wanted to help us have a second baby and Perrie got pregnant with Jackson. I hate being away from home, away from the three people that make my life complete.

I sighed and exited my hotel room. I have a photoshoot that has to be done.


"Mom!", Emily squaked as she saw me.

I smiled and opened my arms waiting for her.

"Mommy I missed you so much!", my daughter told me before hugging me.




Ugh, can't these paps leave me the hell alone!?

"And I missed you too!"

Perrie gasped, "Jade...".


"Oh my God..Jade I missed you so much!", Perrie teared up and I ran to hug her.

"I'm here now babe..", I said before pecking her lips softly.

"I love you"

"I love you too. And our little family..", I smiled, "Speaking of little wh-"

"Jackson's sleeping", she smiled.

"Well that's alright we can have some girly moms featuring daughter time", I grinned.

"Yay!", Emily cheered.

Perrie and I smiled and I closed the door behind us. It feels good to be home.

- Ten years later -

"Em, love, wake up! Jackson you too!", I yelled from downstairs.

"Good morning", Emily smiled widely as she saw me and Perrie.

"Good morning baby", my wife smiled.

"Wait...I just..How did you got ready that fast?", I asked our daughter.

Emily blushed sightly, "I just woke up early today".

"Why'd you blush?", Perrie smirked.

"Um...", Emily blushed even more.

"Okay what's his name!"


"What?", I winked.

"How did you know? Did you read my diary?"

"No! You're just.. You look so beautiful today, you always look lovely but you woke up early and you're happy. And it's morning", I told her.

"Yeah", Perrie nodded, "You're glowing".

"I..I'm going to a signing with Darcy after school..."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because...I don't want you to make fan of me"

"We would never make fun of you! Now, who's the mystery person?", Perrie asked.

"Liam Crown", Em's eyes sparkled. Oh yeah that new pop icon or something.

"And what's funny about that?"

"He's famous and I'm just me"

"Honey, you are beautiful, funny and caring. And who knows, he might ask for your number when he sees you", Perrie turned to face me with a smirk.

"Pft, yeah, sure! In my dreams!"

"No..It happens"

"Did it happen to you!?"

"Yeap", Perrie said popping the 'p'.

Emily gasped, "WHY DIDN'T I KNOW THAT!".

I giggled at her reaction, "You never asked".

"Hi..", Jackson said in a sleepy voice.

"Hey baby", I greeted him.

"Okay kids, eat your breakfast, go to school and when you come home.. Me and mom will tell you what happened twelve years ago, at a meet a greet", I told them with a smirk and Perrie winked at me, before taking a sip of her coffee.



I hope you liked the epilogue although it's shitty!

* New book coming up soon *

THANKS FOR READING!! Take care :) x

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