Part 6: The children of The Lotus

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Izuku had began coughing up blood, his classmates watched in horror at the sight before them.

"" Izuku stammered out before falling unconscious.

Aizawa immediately called for All Might and an ambulance.

After a few minutes, All Might came busting through the door to see Izuku in a puddle of blood and a strange creature in the distance.

The Nomu then saw All Might and rushed at him. All Might did the same, blocking the charge. All Might had put his arms in a X-Formation and crossed the Nomu pushing the anime back. All Might then ran at the Nomu punching upwards while shouting "PLUS ULTRA!!!!!!"

The Nomu was launched straight into the atmosphere hurdling in space.

In space
A ship was flying over to Earth, until they saw a star fly up from Earth and pass their ship.

"What the f*ck was that?" A male voice said.

"It seems to have came from the planet, Ordis prepare clocking and land on the planet." A female stated

"As you wish Operator, -KILLLLL- be careful on the planet." A glitch AI named Orris said.

The Ship then started approaching Earth, preparing to breach the atmosphere. As the ship entered the atmosphere, it cloaked.

Somewhere above Japan
"Do you sense that, its void energy, and it's coming from that dome." Another female voice said.

The ship had hovered over to the USJ.

"Ordis, contact the The Lotus, we found him, Codename: Orion*." The other female voice stated.

"Of course Operater, anything else?" Ordis stated.

"Send me down, I'm retrieving him to bring back to the Lotus." The other female voice stated.

Back in the USJ
"Young Midoriya, Young Midoriya, we're losing him." All Might said with worry in his voice.

Everything was quiet, Izuku couldn't hear anything but he felt something approaching, it felt familiar and nice.

All Might heard something drop from the ceiling of the USJ. He turned to see a figure approaching. The figure was feminine in nature

 The figure was feminine in nature

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(This is NYX, another warframe.)

"Who are you, and state your business." All Might said looking at the figure.

"Hello, my name K̷a̷e̷l̷a̷, I have come for him *pointing at Izuku*, our mother would like to speak with him." K̷a̷e̷l̷a̷ stated walking closer.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't catch your name and I will not hand over this boy, he is in need of medical assistance." All Might replied standing up to protect Izuku.

"So it's going to be like this huh." K̷a̷e̷l̷a̷ stated before snapping her fingers causing everyone under mind control*

Izuku had woken to see someone snapping their fingers cashing everyone to stare blankly except for him. Izuku stood up with pain coursing through his body.

"What do you want, if you want me take me but leave them alone, they've done nothing wrong." Izuku demanded the figure as he summoned Exalted Blade. The sword then exploded in his hand as it was unstable. Izuku screamed in pain snapping everyone out of mind control.

"Young Midoriya, are you alright?" All Might asked with worry in his voice.

"I'm fine, but why is she here?" Izuku asked.

"Deku, she's after you, her mother wants to speak with you apparently." Ochaco shouted across the room.

"Who's the mother, you are talking about, is it the Lotus?" Izuku stated as his eyes flashed gold.

K̷a̷e̷l̷a̷ nodded. "The Lotus would like to see you. My name is K̷a̷e̷l̷a̷, and this is my warframe NYX. " K̷a̷e̷l̷a̷ said before approaching Izuku.

"If she wants to see me, then I'll go but let them go free." Izuku said looking at his class and teachers.

"I do not need to harm them, I was sent to come find you and leave." K̷a̷e̷l̷a̷ replied

Izuku then walked over to K̷a̷e̷l̷a̷, as they had teleported somewhere else. All Izuku could hear before responding was his name being called by his classmates as it was soon replaced with the sound of a ship.


Pretty self explanatory, it mind control but NYX is a warframe based on Manipulation.

Why the names have dashes over them, it's void speak, it's a language crafted by the children and The Lotus.

Thanks for reading this chapter, hope you enjoyed.

I'm proud of this chapter, as I'm currently drunk while writing this.

This has been your drunk author Raorik

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