"I can't argue that. But I give you my word Blake, we will run our pack, together."

I looked down. It sounds mean, but words just don't do it for me.

"Blake look at me." I shook my head slightly and felt him run his thumb under my eye, wiping away a tear I didn't know I let fall. "Please show me those sparkling brown eyes." I rolled my eyes but looked up at him, "I'm going to prove this to you. I haven't mentioned anything about this pack, except the people, and maybe that was wrong of me. I didn't want to bombard you with everything, I didn't even know if you wanted to do any of this. But I really do want you to."

"I want to believe you. I just don't know if I can."

"When you said 'I want this to work, I just don't know if I can.' You talking about this?"

"Yes. I don't want to go rogue. Not only for me, but this pack would slowly lose their alpha, and have already lost their Luna."

"See, I need you by my side. You put the pack first for everything."

"It's the alpha in me."

"Blake if you don't want to do this, don't. But I need you. If I've learned nothing else before you, I know I've never been the alpha I have the potential to be." His voice changed and he let it be softer as he gave a small chuckle, "Even though Dan would say 'I told you so', you do complete me."

I tried to look down but he held my chin gently but firmly, "Will you promise me something?" I asked.


"Don't push me away."

He tackled me to the bed and rolled us over so he was on top of me. He put a piece of hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead, "I promise to never push you away. This is our pack. And we'll run it as such. Yes?"

Lookin ginto his eyes, I couldn't not believe him. "Yes."

He put his lips on mine and kissed me so genuinely that I felt like everything he said was true.

"Plus, I can't keep my hands off you, I'd much rather have you against me than even an inch away. I couldn't push you if I wanted to." I rolled my eyes but smiled. Mom said she had doubt, but for some reason I don't have any, and I don't even know him. 

Before I knew it he rolled off and grabbed two bowls. He handed me one and I thanked him.

"And you thought we couldn't spend all day in here," he said lightening the mood.

"I guess we had more to talk about than I thought."

"And we haven't even started."

"What else is there?"

"It's more like, what have we covered? I don't know anything about you except part of your personality and what you take in your coffee."

"My personality?"

"Well, I will never win an argument with you, except maybe if you're tired-"

"And if you take advantage of that there will be consequences," I said and he chuckled.

"Never. You're happy, always smiling and laughing. You even found things to laugh about after you were sent from your old pack to mate with a stranger." I shrugged and he continued, "You appreciate simple things, and are down to earth. You're compassionate and care like a Luna should. Blake, you really do amaze me. You have even more good qualities, and I haven't even known you a month."

"Maybe I'm a better actor than I thought."

"Oh no, that's all you."

"I doubt it."

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