I gave them their entree tickets and moved them along. Calum smiled at me and then walked away.

a few seconds after, while I was servicing another group, Calum came back.

"Hey, ester?" he called to me.

"Yeah?" I asked. My heart thumped to my chest so hard it hurt.

"When are you off?" he asked, trying to hide a blush. I couldn't ignore the butterflies in my stomach.

"Forty minutes" I informed him, looking at my watch.

"Call me so we can hang out" He winked and bit his lip.

"Maybe" I giggled. He walked back to the boys who we're waiting for him. As soon as he left I turned to the group in front of me and continued working.

"What the hell was that?" Steven asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about.." I blushed.

"You're right" Steven came over to me. "It was nothing" he leaned against the counter, winked and bit his lip. He was clearly trying to imitate Calum.

I pushed his face with money in my palm and he grabbed it and laughed.

"You're so in denial. How did you resist that?" he asked.

"Resist what?" I played dumb.

"His eye wink and lip bite!" he said like I was an idiot. "Even I thought it was pretty hot..."

"It was wasn't it" I laughed.

"I knew it!" He pointed in my face, "You have a mad crush on him!"

"Shut up!!" I smacked his shoulder.

He just smirked at me and pursed his lips. Clearly trying to contain himself.

"Just makes me so happy...." he giggled like a girl. "You, Ester Murphy, and the one and only Calum Hood. I never thought you'd.."

"Have a boyfriend?" I laughed "Come this far?"

"find such a good guy" he smiled.

But my question is, are things really that serious?


Steven and I were finally done with our shift. It seemed like it took years. 

Steven called Michael and we met up with them. 

It was the four boys, Ash, Luke, Michael, and Calum. Michael had a bag of cotton candy so I took it from him and rapped my camera around my neck. 

"Sure, Ester. Please, I insist. Have some of my cotton candy." Michael said, his hands still in the position of holding the bag. 

"Thanks Michael, that's so kind of you" I giggled.

"Can we please go ride some rides?" Luke begged. He was such a child.

"How much money do you think I own?" Ashton asked him. 

"Hey, I can get some of those wristbands from my mom.." Steven suggested.

"You don't have to do that Steven." Calum shook his head. 

"No, really, he's right. Our moms wouldn't care. I can talk to them." I nodded. "I'll be right back." 

I went to the information box at the front where my mother should be.

"Hey sweetie, what do ya need?" She asked.

"Y'know Michael right?" I asked.

"Yes! The boy I love" She smiled "I was just telling Lydia about him."

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