#2 - Finding Out You're Pregnant.

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Ashton: You had been trying for months to get pregnant and with over four false alarms, you were beginning to think it wasn't going to happen. You had only just realised that your period was late again and you'd get a test tomorrow. "Don't worry," Ashton whispered, gently brushing some hair from your face, "This could be it." His hand then ran down your body until it was resting on your stomach, "You could be having our little baby." You sighed and turned onto your side, snuggling up to his warm body, "I just want to give you a baby, Ash." The following day you got a test and even though Ashton told you to wait for him to come back from work, you couldn't and done the test anyway. When the time was up, you took a deep breath and looked down. Positive.

Calum: For the past couple of days, you've been suffering from intense vomiting and nausea, resulting in you staying off work and staying huddled up in bed. Both you and Calum assumed it was some sort of bug until you realised that you were late. You quickly grabbed your phone and text him asking if he could pick up a couple of tests on his way home. About a minute after sending the message, Calum called you. "Are you serious?" he asked as soon as you answered. "Yes," you breathed, "Cal, I could be pregnant!" You heard him moving about and a couple of doors slamming, "I'll be home soon." Chewing on your thumb, you stayed wrapped up in the covers until Calum came home. You heard him running up the stairs and into the room. The covers were soon ripped from your body and you let out a small giggle as he handed you the tests, "I got them. Go. Take them now!" Rushing into the bathroom, you quickly locked the door behind you and done your business before coming out and looking at Calum, "Now we wait." A few minutes quickly passed and soon you got up to check the test. You were pregnant.

Luke: You had suspected that you were pregnant for a few days but you didn't trust the home tests and so you had booked an appointment for the doctors. You also hadn't told Luke because you didn't want to get his hopes just in case the tests were indeed wrong. Now you were sat in the doctors room waiting for her to come back with your results. Your knee was bouncing up and down and you could feel your phone vibrating in your bag. The door behind you opened, making you jump. "Okay Mrs Hemmings," she began, taking a seat across from you, "The tests we've taken show that you are indeed pregnant. Congratulations."

Michael: Tiredly, you pushed the door to your house open only to be met by your black lab Chester running through from the living room to greet you. "Hey boy." you whispered, dumping your bag down on the floor. It was insane how weird your emotions were today. You almost cried when your boss yelled at you. Even just thinking about it was making you feel like crying. Chester, sensing your discomfort, whined a little and came to rest his head on your knee. You began petting your dog as your mind began wandering. Why were you so emotional? Head snapping up, you quickly ran up the stairs into the bedroom and delved into your chest of drawers. Snatching up the pregnancy test box, going straight to the bathroom. Afterwards, you sat the test on the counter and sat on the bed. The next few minutes were the longest of your life and when your timer went off, you rushed over to the dresser and gaped down at the test; pregnant.

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