The cars honked outside and we rushed out the door.

In arriving to the car I see Stefanzo holding hands and helping another girl into the car ahead of ours.

I rolled my eyes and pretended I didn't see.
I know it's quite too early to be feeling some kind of way, especially since were not even in the talking stage.

But I just don't like my time being wasted.  Maybe it was nothing but him being a gentleman .

I'm actually not sure why I even care.

I placed my seatbelt on as we drove off for the next few minutes.

"Is anybody else nervous?" This guy asked breaking the silence of the car.

"Oh no bud I come here every year and catching the fish after a hearty process is so much fun." This lady responded.

"I usually keep the fish cook it over a nice camp fire with some fresh lemon and spices." One guy uttered.

They all turned to look at him.

"I think you're supposed to throw the fish back in the water dude. " Renae said chuckling.

"Oh yea I know but I get hungry. "

"Excuse him please." A lady spoke who must've been his wife.

I shook my head and tried to zone them out.

When we got there we were told to put on special gear since we'll be literally sitting on ice.

"I thought we'd be in a boat." I said confused.

Captain Richard laughed so hard he cried.

"Honey, the term is ice fishing there isn't much you can do on a boat with ice." He explained handing me a fishing rod then walking away continuing his laughter.

"Right." I said quietly to myself

"Don't pay him no mind cmon I'll teach you how this works." Stefanzo approached me grabbing my hand and leading me to a bucket.

It was full of bait the fish were attracted to.


"They've drilled holes in the Ice here and that's where you'll cast your rod."

"I'm not sure how safe this is." I looked down at my feet.

"It's really thick ice ,quite honestly the thickest it's the best."

"If you say so." I shrugged and he helped me set up.

I looked over at Renae who gave me a thumbs up and I made a funny face at her then laughed.

"Now unlike water fishing you wont have to draw back far you just need to set your target which is the hole and ease it down into there."

I stared at his mouth move.

I attempted to make sense of what he said but knowing how off I can be sometimes I'm not sure.

"See look." He came behind me and had his hand ontop of mines holding the rod.

I exhaled really fast not expecting that.

He guided me on how to hold the fishing rod then once he saw that I had it he let go.

"And your off!" He said.

"Hey this isn't so bad except the fact it's a little heavy but other than that good." I smiled and thanked him.

"Whatever you do don't let go because if you let go it'll be taken away from you and you wont get it back." He told me and I nodded.

Viewing other people set up ,fish and enjoying each others time made me realize that joy can be found in the most simplest things.

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