5. Keith

61 4 2


"Date: June 12, 20XX


Name: Keith Kogane City: Muskogee State: Oklahoma

Mobile Number: 999-909-9901

I'd like a courtesy appointment reminder:

sent to my email address

texted to my cell phone

Sex: Male Date of Birth: October 23, 20XX Age: 17 Marital Status: None

RESPONSIBLE PARTY (statements will be sent to):

Name: Takashi Shirogane City: ______________________________ State: _________

Mobile Number: ________________________

Sex: ________ Date of Birth: __________________ Age: ______ Marital Status: _________ Relationship to patient: ______________________________

SECOND PARENTAL GUARDIAN (will be contacted as well if needed):

Name: _______ City:____________________________State:____________

Mobile Number: _______________

Sex:_________Date of Birth: _____________ Age:_______Marital Status:_____________

Subscriber's ID: ____________________________ I, the undersigned, accept financial responsibility for payment of all fees at the time of the visit, unless other arrangements have been made. AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE INFORMATION: I hereby authorize the release of any information regarding my/my child's condition or treatment to my insurance company. AUTHORIZATION TO PAY INSURANCE BENEFITS TO THE PROVIDER: I hereby authorize the payment of insurance benefits from my insurance company to my provider. SIGNED: __________________________________________ (patient, or parent if patient is a minor)

DATE: ___________________

Name of patient:___________________________________________________

DATE: ______________________

Chief concern: Please describe the main difficulty that has brought you to see me: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Prior Treatment 1. Have you ever received psychological or counseling services before?

No Yes

If yes: When? From whom? For what? With what results? _________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

2. Have you ever taken medications for psychiatric or emotional problems? No Yes

If yes, please list medications taken and briefly describe the results


It goes on like that for two more pages, blurry inked lines and yes or no questions with a signature at the end. The due date is written in sloppy blue scrawl at the top.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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