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Alice POV
"Why can't you keep a person in your life... you always push your significant other away. You could stay with her and with time she would change for better. Jen said after I told her that Adriana and I broke up. This girl starting judging me those days

"I wouldn't say that Jen. I mean she doesn't have to stay with someone if she's not happy with the person. Lily said back to Jen

"You're not real friend Lily... tell her the fucking truth! She's not capable of loving someone but herself that's why her ex cheated on her because she's so dominant and independent which leads that she makes men feel that they're not enough for her and she's expecting other women to be strong as a man. She could waited Adriana until she finds herself or she could forgive Tom for cheating on her because at the end he gave her a solid reason why he cheated on her so she could change herself and be the woman he wanted.. what's wrong with that? Jen said looking at Lily and all I'm thinking is doesn't she know that I'm here sitting beside her. I'm boiling with anger and if she continues talking like this I will commit a crime and forget that she's my friend.

"Look Ali I love you but you've to change yourself no one will ever love you if continue behaving like this.. even your parents don't love you!

"I wouldn't go there Jennifer! Stop talking you're reaching your limit. Said lily glaring at her and looking at me like she's begging me to calm down

"What? truth hurts huh! Like look at me I'm happy because I always try to have relationship with my family even though they're against me moving from the house.. they don't know that I'm living with Sean, you know why because I don't want to upset them.. Sean cheated on me but he still loves me!...

What would happen if I listened to her or you and broke up with him I wouldn't be happy.. now my parents and Sean are happy which makes me happy and one day I will introduce them to Sean when he's ready and they will love him...

I all I'm thinking is "shut the fuck up jen before I kill you" but damn I never knew she would judge me that much and the fact that she thinks she's better than me kills me..when I looked at her I saw still talking and Lily trying to give signals to shut up

"What Lily! I'm right that's why Alice is not saying nothing.. look Ali you don't have to be this stubborn you know.. if you find a good man your parents will accept you and love you again because the only thing they're against is you having a girlfriend so why can't you tell your parents that god had changed you? She said looking at me with "I want to help you look.

"Oh my god Jen! You know deference between you and I? It's that I never settle down for less and I never do things just because I want them to accept me because I don't have to do things for people to love me. Who I'm is enough because that's the real me..

you said "my parents and Sean are happy which makes me happy" but are you really happy Jen? Are you happy that you've still to lie about you and Sean? Or that Sean doesn't even want to meet you parents.. is that making you happy? Or the fact that Sean still cheating on you but you're forgiven him without him asking forgiveness because your ass believes " ride or die".

Well if you're really happy then good for you but don't you ever try to judge me because I chose my happiness. You do you... I do me and I don't want to see your judgmental ass again because you're not real friend.. if you were real to me you wouldn't try to make me miserable like you! Are you sure you love Sean or you just don't want to be alone? As always Lily says "sometimes loneliness is better than having asshole in your life"! I said going out as my tears running down.. I'm feeling numb everything is silent in me. I don't even feel anger towards her

"Alice wait! Lily was running behind me.

"Look Ali I know what she said wasn't right but I want you to calm down. She said holding my hands.
"I'm ok.. she needs you more than I do so go to her and stay with her tonight. I said and hugged her after she made sure that I will be alright she went back to Jen and I drove my home. All I need is a good shower

When the water stared running on my body I felt all sadness and hurt. I felt lonely and started to think if she was right and if what I said to her was right.. I hurt her back and that makes me no better friend.

After I showered someone knocked my door and when I looked the cctv camera it was Denise. I think lily called him.

"Hey DD! I said hugging him and let him come in
"Hey Lou! You okay lily called me and said you might need a friend tonight. He said stroking my cheek.

"She's right I really need a friend. I said as my tears started running down again he picked me up and put me on his lap after he sat on my couch and just rubbed my back while telling everything will be alright

"Do you think she's right? Do I have to change myself in order to find love or parents to accept me? I asked after I told him what Jen said to me

"Look babe, if you change yourself then you're not Alice anymore.. Alice doesn't settle down for less and that will make you succeed because you're unapologetic for who you're which makes you unique babe. He said kissing my head and I snuggled to him more

"I love you DD.. why can't we fall in love again? I asked him but this time I was serious

"We grew up together and as time guess by we started to see each as brother and sister which is weird because we had sex but the truth is that we can't be lovers.. we don't see each other that way anymore. He said stroking my hair I wish I could say he's wrong but he's not.

"If I could choose who I fall for I would always choose you again and again. I said kissing his cheek
"Me too Lou. He said looking at me with loving eyes.
"Whatever DD! Anyway my husband is dead and my two wives are married so I will be forever single. I said getting up to prepare something to eat while playing PlayStation

"Don't tell me that you're still in love with Muhammad Ali! He shouted from the living room
"Yup! Still in love with his beautiful ass and still wishing to be from his generation. I said day dreaming

"My grandma is in love with too... she always talks about him. He said setting up the game

"That's why we love each other... we share the same man in our fantasies. I said laughing because he looked at me disgusted

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