Taming her

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Luke POV
"What the fuck happened to your lip Lukey? Bryan said the second he saw me.. he was talking to Alice in front of her desk.

"What had happened sir did you try to bite the wrong person and they bite you instead.. Alice said trying not laugh.. she was teasing me and that alone made me happy because she was being unprofessional

"You could say that ..I will try next time to get the bite first. I winked at her and got in my office as she and Bryan came in after me.

"Damn who bit you I just want to thank that person that made you uglier than you already are. Bryan said laughing as I gave him the middle finger and sat down

"You welcome. Sir we have four meetings today the first one starts at 9:30... need something sir? She said looking at me with smirk while Bryan was confused the reason she said "you welcome" and I was trying not to laugh

"Have you booked the ticket to Hawaii yet? I asked her.. I will be traveling to Hawaii next week on Thursday for business meetings.

"Not yet sir. When are you coming back sir? She asked
"We will be back on Sunday Alice. I said
"Who we sir? She said looking at me because I'm not taking a team with me.
"You and I Alice... you've to go with me because you're my PA so you're coming with me. I said smirking.. this will be chance to tame her.

"Of course sir. She said and got out.. by the of next week I will make sure to not call me sir I promised to myself.

Alice came in to give me the files I asked her. This woman is beautiful but hard to read her.. she never lets people see her true feelings and I'm really curious who she's behind that mask.

"sir these are the files you asked.. if you don't need anything else I'm going home. She said looking at me. I stood up from my chair and walked towards her without breaking aye contact I thought she would walk backwards but she never did she waited for me and looked me back without fear. It's impossible to intimidate this woman. I got the closest I could get.. her nose was basically touching my chest and as she looked up to me I could feel her breath on my neck.

"What did I told you about calling me sir? what did I tell you would happen if you call me sir again? I said as I pulled her waist against me.. her eyes looked surprised and her breathing was hard.. I could feel how her breast went in and out due her uneven breath as I ran my hand up and down on the small of her back.

"I thought I showed you yesterday what would happen if you do what you said. She said trying to get out from my grip on her back but I pulled her harder and circled my arm around her waist and pulled up so she stood on her toes.. this time she brought her hands on my chest for support and her eyes were showing emotion but I couldn't read it because she was doing her best not to show which made me angry.. I want to see her and I want feel her but she wasn't letting me.

"Open up for me Alice.. let me see what's behind this strong mask you keep wearing baby. I said as run my nose on her cheek down to her chin. "Let me feel you babe" I said again this time she looked down my chest trying to hide her eyes from me but I lifted her chin up so she could look at me but she closed her eyes and how many times I told her open her eyes. She never did I brought my hand that was on her chin up to her hair and I pulled her hair hard.. that for sure hurts but as I pulled her hair I heard her gasp as she looked up in my eyes.. to my surprise I saw vulnerability in her eyes.. I saw sad woman not the strong woman I was seeing the last six months

"What do you want from me? Let me go! She said but never moved from her place and gripped hard on my shirt

"I don't want let you go Alice. I said massaging her scalp to remove the pain that I caused. She looked like she had hard time to breathe so i brought her hands to my neck and went down and kissed all over her face but never her lips. I could feel her lips shivering like she was waiting for me to kiss her as hands gripped my neck harder.

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