3. spencer's broken arm

Start from the beginning

"you got a brand-new soul," the two of them moved away from their ex-girlfriends, "mmm, and a cross of gold,"

Spencer put down his guitar, as Puck strummed his, "come out, come out, come out.." Santana, Brittany and Samaria jumped down from the platform, dancing with Spencer, "Virginia, don't let me wait,"

Artie wheels towards them, "you catholic girls start much too late," Santana smiled at Spencer, "but sooner or later, it comes down to fate,"

Spencer looked at Quinn, "i might as well be the one," Santana watched as Spencer held Quinn's hand, "you know that only the good die young,"

the new directions sang with Spencer and Puck, Santana leaning down towards Artie who smiled.

Spencer swayed his hips beside Santana and Brittany, as he watched as they clapped their hands putting it over their heads, "tell ya, baby,"

the new directions clapped their hands, the cheerios skirt swaying when Spencer looked down at Santana's cheerio skirt with a bit of his lip.

"oh!" Mr Schuester high fives Puck and Spencer, as the two of them fist bump when Sean and Mike comes towards Spencer jumping onto him.


Spencer sat down beside Micaela in Spanish class, when he was talking to her in English, as he saw Mr Schuester and Ms Pillsbury come into his classroom, "Kurt? Spencer?"

the two boys turned their heads towards Mr Schuester, "can we talk to you guys outside?" their smiles faded, as they both knew something bad happened, "y..yeah,"

Spencer picked up his bag when he looked at Micaela, "i'll see you later, okay," Micaela nods her head, pressing a kiss to her boyfriend's best friend cheek, "yeah..."


Spencer stood in hospital with his head in his hands, when he sees a doctor turning the corner, "where is he?"

Kurt, Ms Pillsbury, Spencer and Mr Schuester all stood up, "is he dead?" Kurt frowned at Spencer, who just rubbed his arm, "no, he's alive, but i'm sorry i don't have any other good news,"

Kurt and Spencer looked at the Male doctor, "we want to see him," Spencer struggled against Mr Schuester's grip, "i'm fine, we just want to see him,"

the Male doctor looked at the two younger boys, "he hasn't regained consciousness," the doctor held a hand to Kurt's and Spencer's chest, "i thought he had a heart attack,"

Spencer bit onto his lip, "brought on by an arrhythmia, which caused a lack of bliss to his brain," Spencer frowned at the doctor's need, "that's what made him lose consciousness, and what's keeping him comatose,"

Spencer sighed, "we have him on lidocaine, but there no guarantees they're going to work," Spencer sighed, running his hand through his hair, "or what kind of damage was done to his brain by the lack of oxygen,"

"we don't understand what you're saying," tears ran down Kurt's face, "when is he going to wake up?" the doctor frowned at them, "i don't know,"

Mr Schuester put a hand to Spencer's and Kurt's shoulders, "okay," Mr Schuester sighed, ".. just, just, just take us to him now, please,"

Kurt and Spencer walked in front of them with their arms crossed over their chests, Kurt opens the curtains to see his dad with wires connected to him, "i need a minute,"

Ms Pillsbury looked at Kurt, "i don't think you should be alone, Kurt.." more tears ran slowly down Kurt's face, "pleas just give me a moment alone with my father,"

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