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The flashing lights of police cars blind me from the window. And it's all the confirmation I need that the little fucker is either dead or going to be hospitalized by my Billy. My parents are walking through the door as they rushed to my crying self.

"What is going on sweetie?" My dad says caressing my face, leaning down to my level. My mother does the same a split second later.

"Nothing, I am just tired." I hold back more tears.

"Does this behavior have anything to do with Billy?" My mother chimes in. The crease in her forehead shows as she tries really hard to figure out her troubled daughter.

"No, not at all, and this behavior is nothing new. It's not even a behavior, I'm sleepy and should probably go to bed and sleep this off." I say getting up from the couch and scratching my head. As I walk up the stairs, there's a knock at the door. I don't want to answer it so I just keep going up the stairs and in my room. I close my door but still hear the faint voices from downstairs. I sit on my bed ignoring them. I can't believe what happened today. The knocking is now on my door and it's soft and easy.

"Marlowe, are you awake?" It's Billy.

"Come in," I say softly. He rushes in and pulls me into a hug, squeezing me hard.

"Baby, are you okay?" He kisses my ear, rubbing the back of my head.

"No." I quietly say in return. He doesn't break the hug and keeps talking, telling me the sentence I never wanted to hear.

"I couldn't do it, Marlowe, I didn't have it in me, he deserves much worse."

"Yes, he does. Much, much worse." I say, breaking the hug and sitting on the bed. Billy sits on the floor in front of me. I stare at him unsure of what to say. We both open up our mouths to speak at the same time.

"You first." He says politely.

"No, go ahead, depending on what you say, determines what I will say so, go."

"Do you... um... want me here tonight, with you?"

"Yes, I do. Just-" I start.

"What, just what?"

"Can you um- sleep on the floor tonight?"

"Anything you want me to do, I'll do."

"Okay, thank you." Billy smiles, running down to tell my parents that he is staying the night. Which they're okay with at any time of day. I get under the covers on my bed and turn facing the window and my desk which has three notebooks stacked by my cup of pens, where the cop has engraved the phrase 'hello gorgeous' from my 'watch when I'm sick' favorite movie, Funny Girl. When Billy comes back in my room, I hear the rustling of him taking off his shirt and jeans. Oh, those tight jeans that make his bulge stand out to not just me but to everyone. He sits on the bed, rubbing my back. "I thought I asked you to sleep on the floor," I say quietly.

"I know, I know, I wanted to know if you had changed your mind." He pleads.

"No, I haven't I need to have the bed to myself. I need to actually sleep for once and not be fucked." I coldly say. I can sense that my words hurt him.

"Is that why you think I'm here?" I shift my body and my head toward him, so I can see the hurt eyes before me. His body goes limp in front of me; eyebrows furrowed. "That I'm here to fuck you, that I'm not here to see my beautiful girlfriend who was raped less than six hours ago, that I'm not here to see if you need me if you're okay?"

"Billy-" He cuts me off.

"No, I don't want to hear it, if you can't hear that I'm here to love you, that I'm here for you, then I don't want to hear what you have to say tonight," He gets up from the bed and kicks the blankets I laid down for him. He picks up his clothes, puts them on and angrily opens the door. "Or any day." 

Private Eyes- Billy Hargrove {Stranger Things}Where stories live. Discover now