"All right," Theo shrugged and walked to the sink happily with her lollipop.

"Vote for me peasants!!" King George shrieked into the microphone as Washington pried it out of his hands.

"Alrighty then, we have our last candidate now. Alexander, you can take the stage." George handed the microphone to Alexander.

"Hello fellow PTA members," Alexander began. "I have come up with a whole pamphlet on why everyone should want me for PTA president. John, please pass them out."

Everyone looked nervously towards the door as John Laurens stumbled in with a stack of pamphlets higher than his head.

"Since I couldn't fit my entire plan into the two-minute limit speech requirement, I turned it into a sixty-five-page essay," Alexander explained, "It outlines the entirety of my ingenious plan in extreme detail. I'm sure everyone will find it very entertain-"

"Who is actually gonna read this?" Thomas interrupted as he held up the encyclopedia of a pamphlet. "It's too many dang (we're child-friendly here on locker's Christian fanfic server (mostly)) pages for any man to understand." 

"Jefferson," Washington warned, "No interruptions."

"Maybe someone, as uncommitted to their job as you Jefferson, wouldn't read it but my fellow PTA members are committed to their membership here and will dedicate their time to reading it," Alexander spat.

"Who would actually read this?" Jefferson asked the PTA.

Eliza tentatively raised her hand and John tried to also but ended up dropping the entire stack. Maria also joined in. "So that's two people?" Jefferson taunted.

"Three," Maria corrected, "Learn to count you dolt."

"I wouldn't be talking, Maria," Jefferson warned, like he had something against her...

Alexander sent a withering glare in Lafayette, Hercules, Angelica, and Peggy's direction and they raised their hands in fear. "Seven," Alexander said cheerfully, "Half the PTA."

"Angelica doesn't count. She doesn't even have a kid," Thomas argued.

"Excuse me!" Angelica snapped, standing up from her chair. "You wanna go, Tommy? Because I'll go! Fight me, you poofy haired coward!" Eliza physically restrained her sister from attacking Thomas.

"Unless you want to fight her for her place in the PTA she stays," Alexander said.

"Fine," Thomas agreed reluctantly, basically shaking in his chair for fear of Angelica.

"If everyone's done arguing then this PTA meeting is dismissed," George Washington declared. "Come back tomorrow night for the final vote."

"Then I can be done with this PTA thing forever and won't have to deal with you people," Washington murmured under his breath as he walked out the door.

"Don't forget to read your pamphlets! Go ham or go home!!!" Alexander reminded everyone. 

"Vote Jefferson!!" Thomas shouted slightly louder than Alex.

"Copy cat," Alexander hissed at him.

"Vote King George, my precious subjects!" King George joined in. He glared at Alexander and Thomas before strutting off out the door.

"Ready to go?" Eliza asked with a group of sleepy children behind her.

"Say goodbye to the future PTA president," Alexander said with a wave to Thomas.

"No, you say goodbye to him," Thomas protested,

"Alright, bye Alexander," Alex said to himself.

"Bye Daddy. Wait, why are you saying bye to me?" Alexander Jr. asked.

"Just," Alexander sighed, "nevermind."

"Alright before anyone murders anyone let's go," Eliza said.

"Just one more insult," Alex begged, "I have a good one."

"Nope, race you to the car!" Eliza challenged while sprinting out the school doors.

"You are so on!" Alexander yelled running after her.

"I'll beat you," Philip said, pushing Angelica as he followed his parents out the door. Angelica stormed after him into the parking lot.

Once all the Hamilton kids had left, James observed, "Well that was a half success."

"Not good enough," Thomas said with a shake of his head. "I'm the only person that's running that actually takes this job seriously. Hamilton just thinks he can waltz in and win when I clearly deserve to win," he ranted.

"What are you doing over there?" James questioned as he moved towards his husband.

"Guaranteeing my win," Thomas answered darkly as he wrote 'Jefferson' on small slips of paper.

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