The Party I'll Never Forget

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"I'm so glad you guys like each other," Danny's says kissing my forehead.

I smile in response. I'm actually happy that I finally have friends. I have to stop mourning what I have lost and start appreciating what I have. "Me too," I say.

"Party starts at 5," Danny says laughing at the fact we woke up at 2:30 in the afternoon.

I jump off my bed and use the restroom. By the time I return Danny picked out an outfit for me. When I look at the outfit I realize that it still has tags on it and I have never seen it before, nothing he laid out is mine not even the shoes or underwear.

"Surprise, I got you party clothes with Drew's help," Danny smiles.

"I love you, so much," I say hugging him tight.

"I love you, too. Now hurry up and get dressed I have one more surprise for you." Danny leaves the room to go get himself ready.

I put on the black laced strapless bra, black ankle socks, and laced panties. Next, I put on the black leggings that have many rips across the thighs. I grab the dress and slide it on. It's a strapless red dress that has layers of extremely thin black see through material. On one side of the dress pieces of the black material fall from a silky black bow that ties around my waste. The material falling from the bow stretches longer than the dress and skims my knee. Making it look like triangular translucent teeth are hanging from my dress. As far as the shoes go they are knee high platform boots with buckles across the fronts of the shoes. I look extremely gothic, except I haven't put my makeup on or brushed my hair.

Since I look awesome I decide to make my hair and makeup took awesome, too. I put on a lot of white face powder on my face, neck, chest, and shoulders. To give myself a hollow kinda look I use a lighter grey on my cheek bones and the dips in my collar bones. I make a smokey eye look with blue and black eyeshadow, after I put on a thick layer of eyeliner. My mascara is heavily applied to make my already think long eyelashes look even bigger. Lastly, my lips, I put on a primer to keep the color on, then I put a thick layer of red lipstick on top of a line of black lipstick. It makes my lips look like I've dipped them in sticky wet blood. For my hair I straighten it all the way, frizz it a little, and pin it to cover my eye.

When I walk out of the bathroom Danny stands in my bedroom. He wears tight leather pants, a black tank top, a leather jacket with the sleeves pulled up, black combat boots, and leather gloves. He painted his nails black and is wearing eyeliner today. Danny's hair is brushed over to the same side as mine and covers one of his eyes.

"You take forever," he smiles and kisses me. When he pulls always his lips are slightly stained. I laugh and wipe off his lips.

"Well I am a girl," I smile, "you look amazing by the way." I say circling him, noticing a wallet chain dangling from his belt loop and disappearing into his pocket.

Danny laughs. "You ready for surprise number 2?" he asks smiling really hard.

I nod nervously, I hope it's not actually "number 2". I laugh inwardly.

He pulls out a small black box with a red ribbon on it from his inner jacket pocket and hands it to me. I receive it with a huge smile on my face. I open it slowly. Inside the small box, incased in a velvety cushion is a silver skull necklace with diamonds in the eyes. I catch my breath and hug Danny tight.

"How could you afford these things?" I ask Danny.

"I did some stuff for the boys and the band," Danny smiles, "I'm really glad you like it, though."

Part of me wants to refuse the gift, mainly because it probably costs like a million dollars. Expensive clothes are one thing, expensive jewelry is another. But I know if I try to argue with Danny I will end up loosing and keeping the beautiful necklace anyway. So I keep my mouth shut.

"Oh and by the way it's 3:25," Danny laughs, "fashionably late to our own party."

Danny turns toward the door and turns the nob. "Aren't you going to be romantic and put the necklace on me?" I laugh.

Danny quickly returned to me and took the necklace from me. I held up my hair like in the movies and he struggled to clasp it. When he finally did he turns me around and kisses me. "Was that like the movies?" he whispers as me lean our heads against each other's forehead.

"Better," I smile.

"DANIEL! ELIZABETH! WHAT THE HELL." Ben's voice roars in the hall.

We laugh and Danny opens the door. Ben bangs on Danny's door. "Ben, we are in Lizy's room," Danny says trying not to laugh.

"Danny, Lizy, I want you to meet my boyfriend," Ben says, pointing down the hall.

"Is he invisible?" Danny laughs.

"You're gay?" I say then immediately cover my mouth.

"No, he is downstairs and bisexual," Ben says in his sophisticated way.

Danny grabs my hand as we follow Ben downstairs. The living room and kitchen are full of people. A wave of fear rushes over me and stop in my tracks. Danny looks at me and squeezes my hand. "Don't think about it," he smiles and pulls me into the game room, which is on the other side of the kitchen.

The three couches in the room are taken up by the band members and their other halves.

Cameron with his beautiful blond perky girlfriend. Britnye with her sexy muscular boyfriend. Ash with her pretty skinny girlfriend. And Ben with his new boyfriend, he is cute with long waist length blond hair and a skinny little body.

"Everyone introduce yourself and your other," Ben says in his bossy tone. "Cam starts then we go around the room." We are last.

"I am Cameron, this is my lovely girlfriend Taylor," Cam kisses Taylor.

"I am Britnye and this is Bones," they makeout.

"I'm Ash and this Hayley," they do a cute quick little peck.

"I am Ben and this is my new boyfriend Justin," they don't kiss and it's awkward silence for a while. Finally Justin grabs Ben and plants one. Everyone claps and laughs. "Okay, all of y'all shut up," Ben blushes, "Danny go."

"I'm Danny and this is my fabulous girlfriend Elizabeth or Lizy," I kiss him and bite on his lip.

Ben snaps at us and Britnye, "That's everyone now talk to someone you have never met."

Everyone started for me and Justin, so just to piss them off I went to Justin. Justin seemed to have the same idea and walked over to me. "Hi, I'm Justin," he says in a sweet soft voice.

"Lizy," I smile shaking his hand. "How long have you and Ben been together?"

"Couple of weeks, you and Danny?" he asks drinking a beer.

"Couple of months," I say glancing over at Danny talking to Bones. "How old are you?" I say looking at his beer.

He laughs, "I'm of age don't worry, I'm 23."

I smile and for awhile we talk about how adorable out boyfriends are. A while later we talk to different people. I meet Bones and Hayley. I have a great time meeting the band members better halves. They all made me laugh at least once, even on accident. Taylor sneezes funny, it's like a kitty.

"Lizy, can me and Mikey talk to you?" Drew says solemnly.

I nod and a wave of panic runs over me. Its probably nothing though. I follow Drew into his room. Mikey sits on the bed shocked and crying. I swallow, "What's wrong?"

"Baby," Drew's voice hoarse. "Your father...he..." Drew burst into tears.

"Dad died," Mikey says coldly.

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