"What up shawty" I answer my phone on Bluetooth

"Oh no you didn't Kingston I am not one of those little fast ass girls you be with or putting your little penis in" my Mom said

Sorry ma'am

"Yeah now where are you I know Tony ass called you because I was on the phone and made sure of that y'all ass can't be on time for shit"

Mom I am on the way I got caught up in some business I just....

"You call has ended" the bluetooth spoke

Well damn I ain't know it was that serious ! I laughed out loud finally getting on the highway she act like her house a hour drive when it's nothing but 25mins

Pulling up at my mom's crib I see a couple of cars not much I parked in my mom's husband spot since he wasn't here got out walked up to the door and twisted the knob walking right on in hearing everybody talking and laughing

What's up everybody I spoke getting their attention as my mom looked at me rolling her eyes

"Son" she said as I went over hugging her and giving her a kiss

Hey momma , what y'all going got on ??

"Oh so you got to know what's going on first just to be here now huh" No ma'am I was just wondering

"Well son my friend wanted to have a little get together and we not starting until Pecan and the boys get here"

"Sorry I'm running behind had to get my mom and the boys" Pecan said as the boys care walking in with her mother . I started at her for a minute something is different about her she look tired with a mixture of skin glowing

"Dadddyyyy" they yelled out running

"Yea that's right go on with him,,, Hello everybody" Momma Sheena waved

"Every time I see you you getting younger how you doing baby, how's your husband" mom say hugging

"We are doing fine I'm sure as well you and yours are too beautiful, hello beautiful daughter"

"Hey mommy" Rocey said smiling as they hugged

"Shall we all sit" mom said putting the last dish on the her famous homemade Mac&cheese

We all sat as everyone started fixing their plates passing the dishes of food around talking and laughing

"Nephewssss whewwww I'm just in time" my uncle Tory yelled out walking in taking off his coat going in the bathroom I guess to wash his hands "Got toe mighty who is the gorgeous woman here"

We all started laughing because laughing because Momma Sheena was giving him a death stare a stare like nigga get you broke ass on

"Uncle Tory this here is me and Pecan's mother" Rocey stated

"And she is my wife so keep your fleas to yourself" Shoota said

"Nie both of y'all niggas wrong that's my wife and this is my gun that holds a good amount of bullets" Pecan's daddy said walking in with my mom's husband laughing

"How you doing Ann , hey beautiful wife , hey princesses, Shawn and Tony what's up Tory man he said dapping him up

"Nigga you ain't got no business being that got damn big and tall what's up bruh" uncle Tory said as we started laughing

"Mama Grandma uncle Tory said a bad word" MiKing said

"Watch your mouth Tory in front of my babies now" my mom warned him as I see Miking stick out his tongue

Are you okay you look a little space out!   3:30pm

Yerrr I'm straight just a little tired baby girl

Okay just checking

So mom why are we all here I asked

"Are you ready baby" she asked looking towards Pecan way as she nodded her head as in yes taking a gulp of water she stood up

"Well the reason I called this little get together was to okay first let me say this Ms. Ann Shawn and family I apologize because you guys missed almost three years out of the boys life because of my lack and miscommunication and mommy I apologize as well because you also miss them years all because my anger got the best of me knowing that you couldn't miss work even though I wanted you there holding my hand just like we did for Rocey I wanted that same treatment but when I sat down and thought about I realized that you had to handle business and bills and daddy your situation doesn't count because you are here now ...so you guys I apologize for it all, but if y'all can which I know you all will I would like for y'all to share this journey with me again because I AM PREGNANT WITH TWINS" she said as I just looked at her as Lesha and Rocey hugged her

"Got damn nephew that's about to be five in all"

"Unc my boy don't be missing nothing boy I see why your name Trigger" Shoota said

"So what you got to say son" my mom asked smiling wiping her tears

"Well I got some to say first I want to say congratulations to y'all both but Pecan that's it after these twins no more until you are married you guys not even together asses can't even get along most of the time so you know the drill young lady" her daddy said pointing his finger at her

"Yes sir"

"Congratulations baby momma happy I love you I know these are my granddaughters"

Well lol Mr. Jones you don't have to worry about that because that's it after my twins born and yes I am very happy plus I get to experience all the doctors appointment and labor pain so congratulations to us!!! I said smiling

Look plans got to get set back for about 9 to 12 months something important just came up and I'm not going to miss it

No problem no more setting back it has to get done so you handle your business but after this no more wasting time young blood


Welp it's been a long time coming

Hope y'all enjoy


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