Chapter 2...

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"Baby is you up , Trigga Trriiiggga get the hell up now" I heard Alicia say while shaking me I been up since five this morning I'm pretty sure its either round eight or nine now

What Alicia I'm up what's wrong with you girl I asked looking over my shoulders at her she had a pout on her face she been acting like this ever since her period came on I'm not for it today so she better chill, I'm wondering why I don't smell any breakfast

"Babeeee I want some but my cycle is still on Trigga this suck as hell this is hard life I'm about to go bananas" she whined I wanted to laugh in her face but them mood swings be wanting me to knock her out I know how chicks can get when that time of the month hit but Alicia be too extra falling out whining

Its ok boo you already know you can get this daddy dick whenever I said grabbing my Jr moving close to her kissing her neck

"Move ugly before you start something that I can't finish , I'm about to go wash up and start breakfast , oooh yea Shoota posted us on the gram" ...she said as I nodded my head replying back to some important gmails "Let me see your phone boo"

Alicia was my little cute boothang she kind of making her way to the top but I don't fully trust her just yet I have my reasons too, Alicia was the waiter at Ihop the IHOP on fifth street where I met up with Pecan for the last time and we been kicking every since as for Diamond she is the prime example of why I don't trust these females trying to pin a baby on your boy this ain't no pin the tail on the donkey ! I trusted that bitch I got her out her mom crib into a nice ass condo because I ain't won't her and her mom to be jammed up in that small ass apartment together knowing that they both were pregnant , I was so what happy lowkey when the doctor said she was having a girl even though I always wanted a baby boy she played me for a sucka at the end had me believing baby girl was mine and even though I'm living reckless and knowing she was pregnant I was actually calming down from my savage ways but now since she played me I turned my savage up another knot or two I mean I let her keep the condo we still talked from time to time but I will never trust her ass plus word around town she's a stripper I know y'all like how you didn't know don't you run New York , which I do but it ain't my business to keep up with these bitches but I am going to ask her shit you know how muhfuckas love to spread rumors it could be true it could not be true

"Baby did you hear what I said"

Yea and I said give me your phone so I can get up there A

"Why you just don't let me make you one, you always be on mine with your lurking ass" she said handing me her phone how she figure I don't have a gram I could've two and got her ass blocked

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