Chapter 5...

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First let me say R.I.P to my half sister even though we never talked like that you still my sister regardless and I love you!!!! People if you have family members out here that you don't communicate with please reach out to them talk to them even if its just a simple "Hey or What's Up" life is too short don't take it for granted


Jocelyn Janelle Jones come here baby right quick and see do you want to wear these pair of shoes to take pictures in tomorrow... I yelled out

I was in Jocey room getting her outfit together for us to take family pictures , us as in Me Her and Tony every since Shoota found out Jocelyn was his can't nobody tell him nothing that little girl is his world and to be honest I'm happy he's her father the guy I did thought was her father didn't do shit noway when Mike found out he wasn't Jocey's father he tried to show out like he was so hurt and his mother wanting to pop off with me I'm not going to get into details I'll leave that for another day but I knew between Shoota or Mike one of them was her father , I must admit I was cheating on Mike with Shoota hell I was so caught up in Shoota I stop sexing Mike to be faithful to Tony and I had my reasons just like he was telling the whole hood before he even found out my daughter wasn't his that I wasn't his girl and Jocey wasn't his child because the doctor told him he couldn't have kids that bull face lie because that nigga had two whole other baby mamas on the side seem to me he was doing his cheating way before but that's dead

"We So Disrespectful"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon