Chapter 29..

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The last past four months has been crazy and busy. Lesha is almost five months pregnant, Yes Santana know if I ain't know no better I'll say he trapped her and to top it off the guys somehow found out we run up in Trinity spot Trigga not talking to me he'll only come get the boys and bounce if it's not concerning the boys we just don't talk period as for Rocey she's a month pregnant Shoota done threating her boss about taking Roc out of work until she have the baby he don't won't her to risk another pregnancy. Banko and I of course we are back on good terms thats bro we talked everything out he had every right to be mad at me and for my mom and dad, he put my mother in her dream house so you know they living it up with no care in the world

I was in my room getting dress due to Momma Anne inviting me to her family cookout the boys was already with Banko so I didn't have to worry about running around like a chicken with it head cut off I smoothed out my red dress turning off the flat iron I pose in front of my mirror to take a picture and put it on instagram

ISoUnique__3: Wild Thoughts #SheIsQueen 👑

"Hey do this make me look fat" I heard Lesha ask coming in my room we go through this everyday

No Lalesha it doesn't make you look fat, you not fat okay you are pregnant so don't start I said unplugging the flat iron putting it back in the box

"Okay sorry, what time we leaving out because I am hungry "

In a few minutes, hey auntie baby I hope you is a girl because we don't need no more boys I am ready to spoil you I cooed at her stomach

"Girl move so I can go grab my shoes you know San want me to come back when its about close to my due date, is you coming with me " she asked turning around

Yes Lesh I am lets just get through the gender and baby shower then we worry about the other stuff I don't need you stressing now go on and get your shoes so we can head out I said grabbing my purse getting my ringing cell phone out seeing Momma Anne calling

Hello I answer putting the phone on speaker

"Hey baby if you go by a dollar store can you pick up some extra cups and balloons for the kids and I'll pay you when you get here"

Sure no problem I'll see you when I get there bye bye I said hanging up "You ready" I asked Lesha looking over her outfit my bestfriend so beautiful with her pregnant glow

"Yes girl I can't wait to get around food, I am so ready to find out what I am having next month so I can shop" she said clapping her hands together as we got in the car

Right because the baby shower is going to be done by yours truly have you told pops you pregnant yet I asked leaving out the yard

"Nope not yet I'll tell him on my own time you know my dad was never a fan of Santana and this doesn't even suppose to be happening remember we broken up "

Girl calm down let me hurry up and feed you so you can go to sleep during this drive I said pulling up to Wendy's ordering her a 10 piece meal with a larger strawberry lemonade

"Thank you so much" she said digging in my purse for the hot sauce I shook my head and continue driving

50 minutes Later

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