Chapter 26...

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BOO! I jumped scared out of my thoughts as Tony screamed in my ear turning the computer chair around i punched him dead in his stomach

"Ahhhh shit Rocey that shit hurt yall got yall father hands or something "he whined in pain holding his stomach

Well don't pull no shit like that no more jackass you lucky thats the only thing you got

What's wrong with you, you been in your own little zone every since I came back from the business trip and that was three weeks ago, You Good? Roceyln what did you do

Yes I am good I haven't did anything Tony. I just hate that I can't get in touch with my sister I tried calling her home and cell phone number nobody never picks up I just need to talk to her really bad

If its that serious you can talk to me What you pregnant? he asked as I scrunched up my face shaking my head as in no

"What is it then please don't tell me you done cheated on a nigga yo, why man Im a change man Roc why would you do this to our family " he yelled out as I looked at him like he has three heads

Uhhh no nigga its about girls talk and shut the hell up screaming before Jocelyn come in here thinking we fussing, What are you doing today anyway

Got a meeting today with the guys then got to do some cleaning up in the new club got to have that done by next week , Why whats up baby mama

Ewww don't call me that you tried it and nothing just asking I might need for you to pick up Joc late on from mommas might pull a double tonight

Double? You never work no double you don't even have to work so why you doing a double

Baby a girl said she wasn't going to be able to come in so she asked if I could pick up her time and I said yes

Yeah alright cool I should get going let me know if you don't do that double, got to go tell baby girl I'll see her later he said walking away

I could tell he knew I was up to something I hear him tell Joc he love her and something else before coming out the room he walked back out the room into the living room coming to kiss me

Aight I love you baby

I love you to girl he said smacking my ass leaving out the door I rushed over to the window to peep out the blinds seeing him get into his car and leave out the path I rushed to our room to put on my all black

I love you to girl he said smacking my ass leaving out the door I rushed over to the window to peep out the blinds seeing him get into his car and leave out the path I rushed to our room to put on my all black

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