I felt this small, heavy lump in my throat when he leaned a little closer, his eyes on my own, his hand sliding behind my waist and just above my hips. I stared at him, terrified. His eyes, an irrational part of me thought, were more of a sea-blue shade.

My eyes widened a bit more when his hand slid inside my back pocket and took out something. He pulled away his hand and looked down at the familiar butter knife. I couldn't help but clench my jaw at that.

I think I was going to throw up.

"That's clever." He said with a nod, looking down at the knife as if it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen.

I opened my mouth, partly because I needed oxygen and partly because I found it dumb not to say anything.

"I...It was in my pocket since yesterday." I lied, nearly slapped myself, then added, "I told you to stay downstairs. Didn't you hear me?"

I found his eyes piercing into mine with a hint of curiosity. I didn't like it. I didn't like any of this.

"Sure." He said, giving it back to me, and I took it in an instant. No way in hell was I giving him any chance with it, even if it was just a butter knife. "A butter knife isn't good for defence, though. You should keep a sharper one next time."

I glared at him then. "It isn't my fault that you're a creep."

He chuckled at that as if I had meant it as a joke.

"It isn't my fault either that we met under such harsh circumstances, sweetheart." He said.

I felt my cheeks heating up at that, and it was probably the anger I was feeling at that moment.

"It is good though, arming yourself. You never know when somebody gets wild." He added with another smirk.

It was to the point of hurting how badly I was gritting my teeth at that moment. Blake reached for the file in my hand, took it, and winked. "I'll see you soon."

And he said it like a promise. A fucking promise.

I leaned back against the wall and exhaled a shudder as I saw him walking away. I wish I could've done something to him, ticked him off as he had done with me.

Breath, Sky. Breathe.

The front door opened and closed with a faint thud. I closed my eyes and didn't realise I was still clenching my jaw until a few seconds later, the bell rang again.

I straightened up and looked over at the stairs. Was it Blake again? What the hell was he still here for?

Making a frustrated sound at the back of my throat, I angrily stomped down the stairs. I was so going to slam the door on his face this time. He had no right to say such stuff to me, almost harass me, and then ring my doorbell again.

Fucking bastard.

I pulled open the front door and glared at the person, expecting it to be Blake.

It wasn't Blake. It was Caden.

And just the mere sight of him made me so much more furious than I was before, as if it wasn't just Blake I was angry at. Because I wasn't.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

Caden looked a little confused until he glanced down at something. Then he raised his brows at me. I tried not to look into his surprised green eyes and a part of me realized that it had actually been a bit long since I last saw him.

Not like I gave a shit about that.

"You're holding it the wrong way." He told me.

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