"I'm not ready to face him Lauren." Morgan said, causing Lauren to stand up from her bed.

"You are going to have to, eventually"

Lauren went towards Morgan's desk and grabbed Morgan's sweet sixteen invitations. She handed it to Morgan making Morgan stare at her in confusion.

"If things get awkward give Peter his invitation to your party." Lauren said simply while reaching for another chip to place in her mouth. "I'll be here and when you come back I expect everything in full detail."

Morgan took a deep breath and nodded. She left her room, and started to go to where her father was. Morgan saw the car rolling in making her stomach to do flips. She wasn't ready to face Peter, but Morgan knows that sooner or later she will have to face him.

She appeared next to her dad while looking at the floor avoiding eye contact with the car and her father.

Tony glanced at his daughter, and he sighed.

"You know, I'm short of glad you went with Peter to chase down the flying monkey."

Morgan turned her attention to him not expecting to hear that, "really?"

"Yeah, I mean it's kind of cute that you guys are like a team." He said, winking at his daughter.

She rolled her eyes and bit the inside of her cheek. Morgan started to feel embarrassment knowing that her father knows about her and Peter. "Did Wanda or Vision tell you something?" Morgan asked.

"Maybe she did, but I wouldn't mind you guys." He concluded making Morgan softly smile to herself knowing that Tony approves if her and Peter were to ever get together. Seeing Happy and Peter walk into the building, Tony greeted them with a warm smile. "There you guys are."

Morgan came next to her dad, she gave him a warm smile as she looked at Peter while he gave her one in return.

"Sorry, I took your suit, but you had it coming. Also it was a good tough love moment that you needed right?"

Stark putting his arm around Peter playfully punching his shoulder. Morgan looked at these boys chuckled and shook her head towards the floor.

Morgan nodded when her dad wanted to show Peter his new suit and they started to talk about his place as an Avenger. She watched in amazement when Peter saw the new suit hung in front of them.

"What. Woah." Peter said said going closer to the suit seeing the detailing of it.

Peter turned his attention towards the Starks' when Tony finished explaining the offer.

"Did you design it?" Peter asked, looking at Morgan wanting to admire her from afar.

"Somethings here and there, but nothing major."

Peter smiled and nodded at her answer then spoke up, "thank you, but I'm good."

"What do you mean 'good?'"

"I mean, I rather stay as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. You know, every one has to look out for the little guy right?"

Morgan chuckled knowing that would be typical Peter Parker answer towards something major.

"Yes or no?"


Tony nodded at the boy and dismissed him, telling Morgan to walk him out leaving Happy with Tony. Morgan's heart dropped when she heard that. She felt like her father did this on purpose.

The teens walked in silence making the awkwardness and the tension to eat them alive. Arriving outside of the Compound, Morgan glanced at the invitations in her hands, and remembering what Lauren said causing Morgan to speak up.

"My sweet sixteen is coming up and I was wondering if you would like to come?" She said handing him an invite causing Peter to take the invite from her hands.

Peter smiled at the invite then at her, "yeah, I would love to go. Thank you."

Morgan gave him a small smile. She glanced towards her window seeing Lauren pressed up against the glass and gave Morgan a thumbs up. All Morgan wanted to do was run towards her room and pull Lauren away from the window.



Morgan didn't understand why she called Peter's attention when she didn't have anything to say. She sighed causing her to take a deep breath having an idea pop in her head.

"You won't get mad right?"

Peter's facial expressions turned confused, "I'm confused."

Morgan took a step closer to Peter, and leaned her head causing her to kiss Peter's cheek.

Peter's eyes widened feeling her lips touch his cheek. He felt his heart clinched just thinking about her.

"That was for saving me throughout the whole situation with Vulture." Morgan said, stepping away from Peter.

"Okay! Let's get going Peter before we catch traffic." Happy said opening the doors from the compound to lead him outside.  

Morgan looked at Peter with a soft smile and made her way to go back into the compound. She felt Peter's gaze on the back of neck, leaving him outside of the compound.

Walking back towards her room, Morgan couldn't help to smile to herself on what she had just done. It was so unlike Morgan to do something so bold but yet something so innocent. Rethinking of what happened a few seconds ago made the blush on her cheeks vibrate just thinking about him.

author's note:

this story is one chapter away from ending act one :( BUT THEN I'LL WRITE INFINITY WAR YAYAY

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