"I know, Ae. But can you message him and make him feel better so he would eat. We have a whole day photoshoot for two magazines."

"Ohhh, okay. I'll do that. Where will be the shoot? What time you will be there?"

"It will be in the pool area of Bangkok Hotel. I guess we will be there before lunch. Thanks, Ae. Bye."


Can and Tin were already waiting for Pete and Noh at the entrance of the hotel.

Can looked like he can use some sleep.

"You look so tired, Can?"

Tin was curious why their stylist seem like he didn't have a good night sleep.

"I was out last night, partying!"

"Oooh, so we have here a little party animal."

Can didn't like the tone Tin used on him, he jump at the back of Tin and rested his head on his neck. Tin was startled but his instinct made him hold both of Can's leg to prevent him from falling.

"I'm not a party animal. I just missed partying here in Thailand. I am not a stuck up guy, unlike you!"

"I'm not a stuck up guy, Can!"

Can snuggled to Tin's neck and made himself comfortable. Tin could feel Can's warmth breath which, inspite of himself, he felt a tingling sensation all over him that he can't explain. It made him uncomfortable, but what Can said next made him blushed really bad.

"Your smell is intoxicating, Tin. It's really good."

Can was saying this while he was feeling comfortable thus making his tone sounded seductive than necessary.

"Get off me!"

Tin let go of Can. Can was smiling as Tin rushed inside the lobby and sat by the sofa, started fiddling on his phone but his ears and neck was still all red.

"This guy is so rigid! But he can look so cute when he is acting shy. Not like the cold guy most people think of him."

Tin pretended to be busy with his phone. But he was more busy in calming his nerves.

"Such a shameless little guy. Who says those words in such tone in public?!"

After a few minute, Pete and Noh arrived. Can ran towards Pete with Tin on his tail.

"Why do you look so bad, Pete? Atleast you could sleep and rest better. Ahh this day will be really hard."

"Sorry, Can for making things difficult for you. Something happened."

Pete was still wearing the sad expression while apologizing. Can was now looking at him intently.

"Did P'Ae do something that upset you?"

"Ohh! no! He didn't do anything. He haven't message me yet but it has nothing to do with me waking up at the wrong side of the bed."

Pete was quick in explaining. He didn't want Can to think it was his P'Ae's fault. Because he knows its his demons and the fact that he misses his P'Ae so much.

Noh heard what Pete said and can't help but think on what Ae was thinking with not contacting Pete even though he already explained what happened. He just shrugged and decided to let it go.

"Noh, I'm hungry!" Can shouted.

"Let's go by the pool area first before going to the restaurant. The magazine staff are there already. Let's greet them first and ask them to join us."

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