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After school and getting all the information for their chosen group, the trio turned quartet went to Camelot. Evren told his parents that he was going to hang out with friends at a friend's house to talk about school. They are glad that he made some friends and told him that he could stay over they just need to drop off a bag of clothes for the weekend. The group chose to stay at the school to wait and Evren told his parents that they were at school still. "You guys need a ride?" Ms. Smith asked the group. "Yes Ma'am," said Levi in a polite manner. They asked where and River said at her house. "Ok, what's the plan about finding the others without getting ourselves caught?" asked Evren when the group went inside. "We have to wait and see because we just can't go up to people and ask if they remember their past life," River said. Evren knew that she was right cause they had to use a scalpel which was the case for him because he saw the markings on the trio's arms and he was the one to ask them about it.  "The trio has become a quartet at last and on the first day of school too," said one of River's uncle Riccardo when he saw the group.  The group gave him a nod and dropped their stuff by the couch before River, Parci, and Levi grabbed their cloaks from the basket near the back door leading to the backyard.  

"Yup if you don't mind sire but we are headed to Camelot," Levi said. Evren had to be told about the whole thing about River being part of the royal family which was something that he should've picked up by her last name earlier. Riccardo was glad that they were heading back to Camelot for the weekend to start a routine for the new school year. "The way to get to Camelot is hidden behind your house and we have to walk straight to the border?" Evren asked as he followed the group down an unmarked trail. "Yeah we can't have the way there be advertised to everyone," Parci said. Evren finds out that Parci's name is Parcivel but considering that he is also the reincarnation of Percival which means the name is ironic and the main reason that he goes by Parci rather than Parcival. The entire group walked straight past the border between their world and that of Camelot so Evren felt the difference when he crossed. "It feels different when you cross the border the first time but over time you get used to it," Riccardo said when they crossed the border into Camelot. After a moment to take it in Evren finally asked the question to River, "You are related to Arthur and Guinevere aren't you River," Evren asked to confirm his assumption. 

"I am even though am the reincarnation of Gwaine but we don't know who is the reincarnation of Arthur," River said. Evren now knows that River is the Princess and member of the royal family that rules Camelot.  "Welcome to Camelot Evren and hope you can adapt to have a double life," Levi said when they walked through the gates of the city. It was at that moment that Evren regained all his memories from when he was Elyan and he looked over at the trio before smiling. "You had a dream that you were eating a cheese that tasted of apple pie really," was all that  Ev said to River. "Of all the things that you remember that was the first thing that came to your head," River said looking at Ev. "What?! That was one of the few things that I last remember before I died," Ev said defending himself. They knew that it was one of the few things that Evren/Elyan remembered from the quest to the Dark Tower and River/Gwaine attempted to lighten the mood. 

The group of five went to the citadel to figure out the plan for the rest of the school year. "I find it funny that everyone that died last is coming back first but this would mean that Arthur and Guinevere would be the next ones to come back," said Merlin when he saw the group walking into the main council chambers. "Merlin you haven't changed since the last time I saw you," Ev said when he saw the warlock. "One benefit of being immortal is that I age but my appearance doesn't change," Merlin said before giving a small chuckle.  "My sister Giana is Gwen isn't she but I don't think that she is going to believe this right away," Ev said knowing that Giana stopped believing in fairytales a few years ago. "We just have to wait for them to come back on their own and that's all that we could do for now," River said knowing that they have four more people that they need to come back. So they started to plan what they were going to do till then but they figured that it was better to keep their heads down to be safe. 

"That's fair but at the same time we also have to be on the lookout for Morgana and Mordrid as well," Merlin said as he pulled out a map of the entire kingdom. Ev just noticed that all their clothes had changed when they crossed the border. River, Levi, and Parci are now wearing loose cotton pants and a tunic with chainmail and their cloaks over it. They are also wearing leather boots and belts with swords in their scabbards strapped to their sides. While he and Riccardo are wearing simple clothes that either Noblemen or commoners might wear he sees that he is wearing a vest with a hood.  Ev noticed that Merlin was wearing what a court sorcerer would wear but it was simple just like with Riccardo. 

River and Levi looked at the map to figure out patrols and strengthen their defenses. "What do you two do here?" asked Ev when he saw the map. "Am the captain of the guard here so I have to make sure we don't get ambushed and Levi is the first knight," River said without looking up from the map. "So the only difference that we have is that you are the captain of the guard rather than Leon over there," Ev said with a smile on his face. River looked at him sarcastically knowing that he was teasing. "It has been centuries but it's great to have almost everyone back together," Merlin said. The group agreed that it had been years since they had been together but at the same time, they had to figure out how to be themselves. "We have to get you your gear and have you start with training Ev," Parci said knowing that Ev can't go around the city as a knight without chainmail, a sword, and a cloak. That was the first thing that Ev did there and Parci showed him around while Levi and River reviewed the things that needed their attention. River had a few more things to go over because she was the only one between her and her brother that had returned so she had to pick up the slack. 

River scrunched up her left sleeve up to her elbow to show the marking of the Green Knight being a stag on its rear legs surrounded in a half oak wreath. The Green Knight has always been Fay and a position that has been passed down from person to person for generations but since she was a half-fay, River didn't know if she could become that legendary knight when she had learned about it. It was a shock because no one thought she would be chosen to be the Green Knight 4 years ago. The trial itself tests the warriors from the eight clans to see which of them is the true heir of the Green Knight mantle. The marking itself almost encircled her entire left arm and both markings are unseen by others. Fate had chosen her for a reason and it was something that she wanted to learn more about. She had told the councilmen for her clan when she learned the meaning of the marking when she returned to Camelot. It was a role that she takes seriously because she is also the captain of the guard at the citadel and a member of the Round Table as well.  

Once River was done with what she had to do, she followed where her friends went to join up with them. It felt good to her to be back in Camalot even if it was for a few days. 

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